Chapter Nineteen

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Making sure nobody followed him, Rin sneaked around the hallways of the school building until he was outside, letting out a breath of relief.

'Thank god no one noticed me', he thought and continued his way towards where he was headed, still being careful and attentive so as not to be seen.
He knew there were a lot of security cameras installed, but thanks to his quirk, he was able to locate all of them and make sure he wasn't seen in any of them. If any of the U.A. stuff saw him, that would only seem all the more suspicious, and while he was filled with determination at what he was doing, Yamaguchi wasn't exactly looking forward to getting beat up by Eraserhead for this.
The male grimaced at the thought of those glowing red eyes being directed at him.

The closer he came, the louder he heard different voices speaking, some shouting, others laughing, and one voice was begging for mercy.
'The hell is going on there?', Rin sped up and when he came to an halt, hastily opened the door and came in.

What he saw in front of him was certainly not what he was expecting at all.

A black haired boy was shooting white bandages, or were it tapes, out of his elbows, which were wrapped around, someone, it was someone small who was clearly struggling to get out of those tapes, and Rin could vaguely make out dark purple hair in the Form of... Grapes?

Then there was a boy with spiky blonde hair, who was clearly furious, judging by his facial expression and the way he let out explosions from his hands. This boy was the the woman's, Mitsuki's if he remembered correctly, son, and was being held back by another guy with red hair, but he didn't seem enthusiastic in holding him back at all.
In fact, it seemed that everyone was waiting for something, or someone.

In that moment, a girl with pink hair and pink skin came out of carrying a big smoothie machine, followed by two other girls, one with long green hair and another with short brown hair, each carrying a big cup meant for drinks.

Yamaguchi watched in complete confusion as the pink haired girl set down the smoothie machine right under the taped boy with grape hair, and started speaking.
"Today is the day we'll finally be free of one disgusting abomination of a pervert."

Beside her, a girl with long black hair came to stand.
"We'll make a rotten drink out of this rotten grape and give that juice to Phantom Flame, so he can choke on mould and thus die from poisoning."

It seemed as if they weren't talking to their classmates, but to someone else. Turning his head, he looked around and....there! He saw a girl with short dark hair and ears, which looked like a cable at the end, holding a phone, which was most likely recording.
To her left was a blonde guy with a black thunder-like streak in his hear, who was clearly trying to hold back his laughter as the two girls spoke.

When Rin saw the black haired guy lower the grape boy into the smoothie machine, he stepped forward quickly and shouted,"Wait! What're you doing?"

Instantly, all eyes were on him, and they froze like dears caught in headlights.
Then the blonde guy with the thunder streak shouted in dismay.
"We've been discovered, mission abort!"

Rin thought he heard someone say 'what a mad banquet of darkness', but with all the kids panicking in the common room, he wasn't sure if it was real and not just his imagination.

But when he shifted to come closer, he felt a presence behind him and froze in terror.

Turning around slowly, the male shrieked loudly and almost fell on his butt when he saw a boy with a bird head? behind him.

"Hey, aren't you the guy who was with Blasty's mom?! " the pink haired girl suddenly shouted, recognizing his face.

Regaining his composure, Yamaguchi remembered why he'd come here in the first place and cleared his throat.
"Yeah, that's me", he smiled unsurely, the smile slipping from his face in complete shock wen he saw the grape haired boy fall from the ceiling, still halfway covered in tapes.
The other girl also still seemed to he recording.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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