Chapter Eleven

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"S-S-Shinsou...?" the green haired boy stuttered out, eyes wide open in shock.
Said boy was looking at his friend with equally big eyes, not really comprehending what he just saw.
"What...What the fuck?!"
The purple haired boy shouted out in frustration. He saw Izuku start to panic, so he willed himself to calm down and take deep breaths.
"I-It's n-n-nothing.. I-"

"This didn't look like nothing to me." Hitoshi cut him off, staring at his friend with narrowed eyes. He had never seen anything like this and he didn't think something like this was part of Izuku's quirk. That - that something had been making Midoriya glow purple - not that it looked bad, the color really suited him -
And those notes... Just - what the fuck...

'I want to go home', he internally screamed, feeling the urge to just forget what happened, go home and sleep. But of course he couldn't do that, because the moment he stepped through the door, Izuku's secret became his business too.

Izuku on the other hand was mentally slapping himself in the face. How could he start singing so carelessly?!
He couldn't even control that strange quirk and totally forgot that purple light and the notes would appear!

'Well, aren't you a completely retarded fuck?'

Shut up

I think you know me well enough to know that I won't. All of your dumb mistakes that could have been avoided if you had killed yourself are SOOOOOO entertaining! Someone bring the popcorn!! HahaHaHahAhA!

Please... Just stop...

I still wonder why you didn't kill yourself though, it's not like anyone cares about you!

But Kirishima does, and Aizawa-sensei and Todoro-

You really think that? Face it, they only cared because if something happened to you, it would be bad for U.A's reputation!

No... No...

You can deny as long as you want, but you know I'm right. Who in the world would care about useless, quirkless Deku? A filthy liar who drove his family apart!


The moment everyone learns the truth about you, they will all be disgusted by you!

Y-You're wrong - I-

You thought your mother cared too, and look where we are now.

"-doriya?? Mido-"

Just shut up, okay?? I know you're right, I KNOW!!


As he somewhat came to his senses again, he was distantly aware of someone shouting his name and noticed how he was shaking, tears were spilling from his eyes and he was gasping for air.
He really was pathetic, wasn't he? Having a full-on panic attack just because of some words.

"Izuku? Are you okay?"

" Wha- I-"

" Relax." Hitoshi commanded as he pulled Izuku under his control. Beneath his touch, he felt the green haired boy's shoulders slump as the tension drained from him. He held his quirk active for a while, before slowly letting Izuku come to his senses again.
The boy blinked several times before his eyes focused on Shinsou.
"Shinsou? W-What happened?"

"You just started panicking so I used my quirk to get you to relax." The purple haired male answered, his eyes narrowed as he thought about how to get his friend to speak to him truthfully.
He only came up with one idea, but using his quirk to force answers out of the first person who genuinely had thought his quirk was cool was just evil. He wouldn't dare do that to the first person he had ever called a friend.

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