Chapter Eight

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~11 years ago~

It has been a month since everyone found out Izuku was quirkless. The kids in his kindergarden always make fun of him for being below them, useless, weak, good for nothing and worthless.
The green haired boy got pulled by his hair, shoved to the ground and other things like that.
And it was beginning to take a toll on the small boy. He got quieter and more secluded, he was scared to come and play with the other kids, because he knew they would make fun of him every chance they got.
At first, Izuku had hoped that the other adults who were looking after them would step in, but the moment he saw their faces, he knew nobody would help him. Not a quirkless mistake.
"How his mother must feel", he would hear, or other things that hurt.
"I would be ashamed to go out with him, knowing that he was quirkless."

"They should just give him to an orphanage."

"His parents must be so disappointed to have a kid like him."

"I hope they get rid of him soon."

"What will he even do without a quirk?"

"Isn't it hard to find a job where no quirk is required nowadays?"

Sometimes, the kids would get too rough with him and it started to hurt, all their little games. But everytime their 'games' got attention from the adults, it was always Izuku who had been scolded. Apparently he started the fight because of attention. Everytime that happened, his mother would get very angry. Sometimes she would beat him for being such a disappointment. Which was, in fact, very often.
And after Kacchan started hating him, it only got worse. He would come home with burn marks that would scar due to the lack of care they received. Izuku's mother simply didn't care about his injuries and Izuku didn't even know how to treat them. He was FOUR for Christ's sake.
That's right.
The innocent, little boy was only four when his world started falling apart and his trust in humans dissapeared.


~9 years ago~

'Finally!', Izuku thought as he made his way towards the school he'll be going from now on. They last two years in his kindergarden were horrible for him, so he desperately hoped it would get better from now on.
'Well, new school, new luck!'  The boy kept repeating inside his head, but to be honest, he was really scared of meeting his new classmates. Especially the teachers of the class.
Making his way over to his class, he saw a few of the other kids looking at him with a smile. A smile!
No frowns or disgusted glances, but actual smiles. He couldn't help the hope that started blossoming inside his chest. 'Maybe it will get better from here on.'

After everyone was settled in their classrooms, Izuku sighed in relief, his day having passed without any problems so far. 'Okay... I've been through one and a half hour of the day after waking up and everything's still okay...'
But maybe it was just fate hating him so much he decided to let hope fill him, only to have it crushed the moment he saw his childhood frind Kacchan glaring at him.
His face changed from relief to horror, as he watched the blondes glare turn into a morbid smirk. He saw the boy stand up and instantly shrunk in on himself, eyes lowering to look at the floor, filling with more tears with every step Katsuki took in his direction.
'Oh god, no... Please, anything but that...', the green haired boy desperately thought, willing himself to dissappear and never show up again.

"Oi, Deku", the ash blonde boy tilted down until his mouth was right beside the other boy's ear. In this position, he could clearly see the way his ex-childhood friend trembled in fear, which only made the blonde teens grin wider. He leaned down close to the other boy's ear and whispered in a sadistic voice. "We're gonna have soo much fun, Deku."
With those words, Bakugou stood up and walked back to his seat as if nothing had happened.
Izuku was left alone again. He put his head in his arms and started crying silently, his hope of having a normal school life having shattered.
Suddebly, he remembered the words his mother had once told him.

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