Chapter Four

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Approximately ten months have passed since All Might told Izuku he could become a hero. Everything changed from then on.
All Might started training with the boy, with the intention that he'd inherit his quirk. At first, that goal seemed too far away from him. Izuku was a scrawny, little kid without any muscles whatsoever. But over the ten months of excessive training, he got really strong.
Since the incident with the sludge villain, Katsuki hasn't been bothering him. While he's glad about it, he wondered what changed his mind.

Izuku's been feeling a little bit better himself too. Not much, but enough to stop thinking about suicide all the time. The voices weren't bothering him so much anymore. Sometimes, he would still get really depressed, the voices would come back and he'd still cut. But right now, he was enjoying his life as much as his situation allowed him.
Due to the cuts he occasionally made, he had to bandage his arms. During summer, it would get really bothersome because while he would train in a sleeveless shirt, his bandages remained wrapped around his arms. The one time All Might asked about it, he told him that it's a fashion thing while stuttering with his face completely red.

"Young Midoriya", All Might started, seemingly looking a little nervous.
Izuku stopped what he was doing to turn and look at his idol, the nervousness effecting Izuku too and making him instantly nervous too. "Y-Yes?"

"Why do you wear bandages, my boy? Is everything okay?"

Izuku's eyes widened a bit and his cheeks flared up. Shit, shit, shit, what do I say?
He was internally panicking to get out a decent excuse.
"W-Well, you see, I, uhm, I, y-you know I just, er, I, i-its like a, uhm, fa-fashion thing?"
All Might eyed him sceptically, a hint of worry still seen in his eyes.
"Are you sure?"
Midoriya shook his head vigorously. "Y-Yeah! You know, I saw Eraserhead on TV once and thought that the, er, bandages looked cool, so I thought I would try something like that too!"

"Hahaha, ok young Midoriya, You had me worrying about you for a bit!"
And the tension dissapeared, Izuku laughing awkwardly beside All Might.
He wanted to tell All Might, he really did. But he would get disappointed again at the fact that All Might was just another adult who didn't care.
After all, nobody had cared ever before. Why would someone care now?

Right now, it's only been a day since the attack at USJ and Izuku felt like a conolete failure. All that little self confidence and self wirth he has buikt over the last 10 months vanished along with the villains.
He was so stupid. After they had been attacked, he had to be saved TWICE because he treud to help. It made Izuku feel so ashamed of hinself. He really did make a fool out if himself, no matter what All Might said about buying him time or shit. And now the voice was back and he felt like a piece of garbage again.
He didn't show it though, because now there were people who, for a change, weren't bullying him,which meant that he couldn't allow his mask to slip and let everyone see the real him.

They would just leave you again, like our dearest Kacchan, isn't that so?

Leave me alone...

You really need to listen to me sometimes. I already told you I won't, hahaha!

Izuku was trying his hardest to distract himself from the voice, but it just wouldn't stop. It keot talking and talking.

"Deku, are you ok?"
Izuku looked uo to see the worrued faces of Lida and Uraraka. He didn't understand why they looked like that, had he said something out loud?
It wasn't until he looked at his hands did he understood their worry.
He snapped his chopsticks in half while trying to eat the rice. Oh shit, shit, shit!
"Yeah, don't worry, I'm alright! I've just been thinking about the attack yesterday!"

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