Chapter Nine

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A tired sigh escaped the teacher's mouth as he opened the door to his home. After what happened today, he knew what his new task would be. But Aizawa was not good with emotions, that's why he needed help, someone Izuku trusted and admired...
He could ask All Might, but Izuku would not want that. That's why...
"Hey babe, how was work?" Hisashi greeted his husband. His voice was cheerful and as loud as ever, something that completely contrasted Shouta's quiet and tired one. "Babe?"
The Underground hero shook his head and locked eyes with the other men, who was coming closer by the second. As Present Mic came to stand in front of the other, his brows furrowed in concern. Disheveled hair and slumped shoulders was something Yamada was used to seeing when regarding Shouta. But what concerned him were those black eyes that were filled with so much worry and sadness. It was a sight he usually never saw on his husband.
Something had happened. Something bad.
"What's wrong, Shouta?" he asked. But the man simply shook his head again, sighed and plopped down on the couch.
The blonde haired man sat beside the other and they sat together in silence.
"It's the Problem child", he finally said, which surprised Present Mic.
Aizawa was used to seeing the kid break his bones and land in the hospital, but this time he felt it was something serious.
"What happened?" The man carefully asked, which resulted in the Underground hero running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I-It's bad 'Zashi, really bad... I'm not good  with emotions, but he needs someone right now and I don't know how to deal with that."
This answer only brought up more questions in Yamada' s head. But just as he was about to speak again, the black haired male continued.
" We missed all the signs, babe. All of them. He needed our help and we didn't see, nobody did. "
Yamada was at a complete loss of words. The fact that Aizawa was not speaking clearly worried him. Especially regarding the kid. The small green haired boy was his favourite student. It was just the way he smiled and never gave up, the way he always thought about others first, how he would give his life to save his friends. He was always so motivated and kind and encouraging. There were traits about him that Hisashi didn't like, the main one was the way the boy didn't seem to expect anything from his elders. Hunched in on himself, head down and voice quiet, that's how he always saw him during class. And he didn't understand why. The boy was so cute Yamada wanted Izuku to trust him, but he never asked for help or anything, if he didn't understand something, he would never come to the teacher but would try and figure it out himself.
"Speak clearly to me, babe. What is going on?"
Aizawa looked his husband in the eyes and he felt as if all the wind had been knocked out of his lungs. Sadness, worry, pain, horror. All of those emotions were displayed in those dark eyes.
Taking a deep breath, Aizawa spoke and Hisashi's blood ran cold.

"He cuts himself."


Kirishima was standing outside the infirmary room. Izuku was just on the other side, probably sleeping, but he couldn't bring himself to open the door.
The others had already visited Izuku after coming back from USJ, he was the only one who decided to come now, late in the evening. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? Was there evn something he coukd say? How could he help his friend?
Those were all thoughts swirling around his head.
Eijiro was the only one who really SAW Midoriya, having been the closest to him. But what was he supposed to say if the boy woke up?

"Don't worry much, Kirishima-kun. You'll know what to say whrn the time comes. But for now, go in first, you have been staring af the door for the past 20 minutes. I have been looking at the clock."
Recovery girl was standing beside him and looking uo at the red haired boy. It was clear to Kirishima that even Recovery Girl cared for his friend, but as he looked the old woman in the eyes, he saw an emotion he couldn't quite place in those eyes. Not trusting his voice to speak for him, the boy just nodded and ever so slowly opened the door.
Inside, the freckle faced boy was sleeping soundly, though he looked tense and a bit uncomfortable. Quietly, Eijiro made his way over to the bed, took a chair and sat down right beside his head taking the small - too small, too thin, underweight - hand in his own and squeezed it lightly, as if trying to reassure the sleeping boy.
The red haired boy satlike that for a while, in complete silence, before Izuku stirred. Quickly, Kirishima straigthened uo with wide eyes as he panicked slightly.
"Midoriya, Midoriya, are you alright?!"
He asked hands roaming over his body to check if something hurt. The boy's eyes slowly fluttered open and for a moment, he saw something that made him stop breathing. So much despair and fear were seen in his eyes, before they focused back on Eijiro and seemingly brightened with an obviously fake smile. It didn't sit right with the red haired male.
Why was he smiling when he was obviously upset about something?
Why wouldn't he tell someone if something was happening to him?

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