Chapter Ten

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"H-He's doing what??"
Present Mic couldn't help but shout in shock at what he heard. He looked his husband in the face to see if it was just a joke, but to his horror, Aizawa was completely serious. His eyes were haunted and pained, but at that moment, Hizashi couldn't feel any better. His student was cutting himself... His cutest, happiest, kindest, friendliest student was cutting himself! Just how nuch had they missed? How could they have let that happen?
"And you're sure they're..." The blonde haired man trailed off, hoping for any other kind of answer. Of course, that's not what he got.
Shouta shook his head a little. "There were many of them, 'Zashi, so many... And its been happening for a long while."
Yamada grabbed his head in shock and took a deep, shaky breath. He didn't say anything, but a single tear rolled down his cheek and he didn't bother wiping it away.
"Wh-What can we d-do?" The man quietly asked, looking over to Shota, who was glaring at the floor as if it was at fault.
"There are just too many things that don't add up." The black haired male said, clenching his fists as Hizashi looked at him in confusion.
"What doesn't add up?" Aizawa's head wipped around to look at his husband, eyes hard and determined, though the worry and confusion was clear to see.
"Everything. He cuts, he didn't write the number of his mother's phone on the papers we teachers need for emergencies, the way he acts.."
Suddenly, the man jumped up and looked at Yamada, the other man couldn't do anything except for listen to what the underground hero had to say, for he had never seen his husband act the way he did now.
" We are going to talk to All Might first. Maybe he knows something. Then we go to Nedzu. And I also want to talk to Izuku's mother." Present Mic nodded and stood up too, murmuring under his breath. "Since when does he call him by his first name?", and then he called out a little louder to Shota, who was already walking out of the door. "Can I call him Izuku too?"


Todoroki was making his way towards the medical room Izuku was in in fast strides. His expression was calm, but everyone who crossed his way covered in fear, because in the depths of those heterochromatic eyes lingered a beast that was waiting to kill its prey.
Innerly, the boy felt like skinning a certain blonde alive, then stabbing him with a big, sharp kitchen knife, then burn his face with boiling water and then rip out his organs. Usually, those thoughts wouldn't cross his mind, but after what he overheard, he was beyond furious.

" was a big one, it covered half of his neck and down his shoulder... I- it's not a secret that we all have scars, but that scar.... It was really old. Like, three or four years old, but that wasn't what caught my attention."

Todoroki stopped as he overheard those words, knowing that they were talking about the green haired boy Kirishima had  visited. His brows furrowed and he leaned onto the wall to secretly listen what they were talking about.

"And what did?"
He was actually curious too. After all, Izuku became one of the closest persons to him he knew.

"It was a burn mark. An Explosion shaped burn mark."

"You-You don't think-"
Shouto's eyes widened as he realised what Kaminari was implying. He clenched his fists as he remembered that Izuku had once told them he and Bakugou were childhood friends and went to the same school.

"I don't think. I know. Shit, guys... It's - He started crying after I asked if Bakubro did it, that was enough of an answer, and you too know they both went to the same school."
That was enough of an answer he needed. He quietly made his way upstairs and set his alarm clock on 7 am. He definitely was going to be the first one to talk to Izuku the next morning. And he was going to get an aswer, no matter what.

He knew exactly what that burn meant, but he needed confirmation from Midoriya. His childhood hadn't been the best and he had dealt with pain before, but if what Shouto was thinking about Izuku was true, then everything was a lot worse than he imagined.
As he came to stand before the door with the name tag 'IZUKU MIDORIYA' on it, he paused. A look of determination crossed his face and he pushed open the door.
Inside, he saw his friend staring quietly out of the window. He didn't seem to acknowledge Todoroki, even as he came closer.
The red and white haired teen cleared his throat. The freckle faced boy flinched hard and whipped his head around to look at the intruder. As he saw Shouto, he relaxed visibly. "O-Oh, Todoroki-kun... What brings you here?"
He noticed how off the slightly taller male seemed. His eyes were hard and seemingly staring at his shoulder, right where his burn mark was located. But he couldn't know, right?
"We need to talk."
Even his voice was cold, which started to scare Izuku. But he tried not to show anything.
"A-About what?" he nervously asked.
He had an idea about what, but everything seemed so unreal. First Aizawa-sensei, then Kirishima and now Todoroki. He couldn't understand anything and that was weighing him down. He didn't get any sleep because his brain had been trying to comprehend why everyone was so nice, but he couldn't come up with any reasons at all.

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