Chapter Sixteen

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"So... What exactly happened?" Midnight asked exasperated, desperate to finally get an answer as to why Hizashi, Aizawa and All Might looked as if someone had died. And well, now that she noticed it, why was the Winged Hero Hawks here?

Nedzu sighed loudly, that alone being a red flag seeing as he never lost his cheerful attitude, and opened his mouth to speak.
"Izuku Midoriya, student in Class 1-A had been taken from the medical ward to an unknown place."

The female hero's eyes widened.

Izuku was a sweet boy, he was quiet and payed attention to her classes all the time, but the dullness and unspoken terrors in those faded green orbs were indication enough that he had been forced to grow up far earlier than any child should have. She had taken great liking to him, he was smart and analytical, and most importantly, never caused any problems, contrary to the blonde spiky haired boy for example.
Of course Nemuri had noticed that even if Aizawa was in denial, the freckled boy was his favourite from all this year's first years. And that also counted for Present Mic and All Might, but well, everyone could see how Toshinori looked like a proud uncle whenever Midoriya did something amazing. And Yamada... Yeah, well, he just absolutely adored him, always ranted about how cute and dedicated the boy was and how he would make a good hero and how he was always so attentive in his class...

"Does anyone know who it was?" Snipe spoke up.

"Yes, I'm sure you've heard the name Phantom Flame before", the principal answered, casting a glance at Endeavor, who scoffed.
The fire quirk user had a particular dislike towards that villain, seeing as he used a type of fire ability to burn his victims.
"And what the hell does that bastard want from the kid? I doubt it would be any information about U.A., that guy doesn't have any reason to want to attack this school."

Nedzu looked down. "The reasons for that are rather...complicated, so to say."
Endeavor raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything further, crossing his arms over his chest and waiting for an explanation.

The sudden sound of a chair scraping against the floor had everyone's eyes on a white haired male, whose presence was only now noticed. Rin stood up with a grim look on his face and eyed every single hero present in the conference room.
"Phantom Flame's real name is Midoriya Hisashi, I'm sure you recognize the last name. He kidnapped Izuku in order to kill him, because he hasn't been able to do so before."

"And who are you?" Midnight inquired, scanning the male suspiciously.

"Oh of course, I'm sorry. My name is Yamaguchi Rin, and I have been forced to work under that monster for years now. I managed to escape and came here to warn you about what was about to happen, but it seems that I was too late."

"Wait, so this means that Midoriya is Phantom Flame's son?" Cementoss asked in disbelief.

"If so, should the boy also be considered a villain?"

"Isn't he dangerous?"

"Should he also be considered a vilain then?"

"Silence!" Aizawa spoke up for the first time since coming here. The command wasn't shouted, more like spoken in an aggravated manner, but it certainly had its effect, because all eyes turned to him.
The underground hero was glaring at everyone with bright and glowing red eyes, his hair and scarf were floating in the air and his hands were clenched into fists on the table.
"Midoriya is my student who has a lot more on his plate than ANY of you! Furthermore, his father abandoned him when he was four and they had no contact to each other since then! So if I hear another word about your inane thoughts it'd be my pleasure to throw you out of this window! Am I understood? "
At the unusual display of anger on the usually composed and lazy man, everyone only nodded and gulped, turning back to the principal.
"As Aizawa-kun already said", he continued, "Midoriya-kun has nothing to do with that villain and from what I've gathered, he is in a state of immediate danger, that's why I've gathered all of you here."

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