Chapter Two

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Katsuki grew up surrounded by people who were always following him out of amazement. At first it was Izuku. The small, green haired boy was afraid of everything, no matter how harmless it was. That's why he followed Katsuki wherever he went whilst wearing that expression of complete awe as if Katsuki was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. And for him, that was right. For Izuku, Katsuki was like a role model, because Katsuki was everything Izuku wasn't. Strong, courageous, confident.
Wherever Katsuki went, he didn't have to turn around to know that his friend was following him.

When they where children, Katsuki still considered Izuku his best friend. They did everything together, just like their parents, who were best friends. Katsuki himself found comfort in the smaller boy. His hair reminded him of the forest they always played in. So did the green eyes. Katsuki loved the forest, therefore Izuku was one of the few people that Katsuki liked. The other ones being Inko and his own parents. All of those other children that started following him later on were just insignificant existences that stuck to him.
The nickname 'Kacchan' was also something Katsuki only tolerated because it was Izuku calling him that. And after all, he did get to call Izuku 'Zu-chan' in return.
Then there were also the many childish promises they told each other with an honest expression on their face.

"When we grow up, we're going to be the coolest hero team! Right, Kacchan?"

"Hey Zu-chan, when we're old enough, we're going to get married and live in a big house, 'kay?"

Their parents thought that the two were perfect for each other. With Katsuki allowing Izuku to befriend him in the first place, it almost seemed as if fate itself brought them together and Inko and Mitsuki were so happy watching them play together.
Their relationship proved to be something special indeed, when Mitsuki, Masaru and Inko noticed that those two had some sort of connection with each other.

"Mum, Mum!" Katsuki came running towards his mother on his small feet. Mitsuki turned around in surprise, Katsuki had been sleeping only moments ago, hasn't he?
The blonde haired woman smiled and crouched down, taking her son in her arms. Masaru was sitting at the kitchen tabke eyes as wide in surprise as his wife's, but with a glint of amusement in them. "What is it, little one?"
Katsuki seemed to be worrying over something, his brows furrowed and fists gripping the hem of his small, red t-shirt. "Is Zu-chan ok? Mum, did Zu-can get hurt?"
Now it was Mitsuki's turn to worry, glancing over to her husband to see him looking at his son with confusion written all over his face, the mug of coffee having been put down. Mitsuki looked back at the boy in her arms and finally asked." Why would you think that?"
Inko and him were on vacation right now, because Hisashi was home from work and they wanted to take a week off. Of course Katsuki was lonely, without the freckle faced boy he had nobody he wanted to play with, but to think that he was hurt? Maybe it was a nightmare?
"Katsuki, did you have a nightmare?" The married couple grew even more worried when Katsuki shook his head vigorously. "Mommy, can you ask Auntie Inko if Zu-chan is okay?"
Mitsuki nodded mutely and turned around in search for her phone, sending a grateful look Masaru's way when he handed it to her with a loving smile.
Searching through her contacts, she pressed call when she found Inko's number. After a few rings, her best friend picked up. "Hey, Mitsuki-chan, is everything okay?" Her voice sounded strained and worried, which confused the blonde haired woman. "Actually- no. Katsuki is asking if Izuku-kun is okay." Looking at her son, who was leaning closer to the phone, she waited for Inko to answer.
"Well- He fell off the bed and hurt his foot. We were at the doctor just now. He said it's nothing too serious, but he'll have to avoid straining his leg for a week."
At that statement, the blonde boy let go of his shirt and asked Inko if he could talk to Izuku.
" Of course, wait a moment-Izuku, baby, Katsuki-kun wants to talk to you. " A happy squeal was heard on the other side of the phone as Mitsuki handed her son the phone, putting it on speaker.
"Why are you so clumsy Zu-chan? You can't be hurt when I'm not there to protect you."
Listening to the adorable little talk the two boys were having, Mitsuki giggled whilst Masaru was looking at him with clear amusement in his eyes.
"When you come back, where gonna play heroes again, 'kay? Bye Zu-chan?"
"Bye Kacchan, I love you! " Katsuki went completely still while his face went from a natural, slightly pale skincolor to a deep red blush. Mitsuki laughed quietly and looked at her husband, who smiled back. On the other line, they heard Inko snicker too.
After Mitsuki and Masaru put Katsuki to bed again, they sat down on the couch in the living room. "What the fuck?" Was the first thing the blonde haired woman said. "I swear this is not an accident. How could our boy possibly have guessed that Izuku-kun is hurt?"
Masaru seemed to think for a while before answering. "Well... I'm not sure, but maybe they have some sort of connection. I red about that not too long ago. I mean, I can't say for sure, maybe Katsuki just thought he was hurt and he had thought right, but I think it's not that."
Mitsuki stared at her husband, before she smiled widely. "I think that it's fate that brought them together and I think this connection could be true. I just put Katsuki to bed and asked if he just thought that Izuku was hurt. But you know what he said. 'No mommy I felt a bad feeling in here.' And he pointed at his chest. This is most certainly not just a guess. Oh my god! I have to tell Inko about it! "
She shot up from her seat and went to the kitchen to retrieve her phone. Masaru shook his head and smiled fondly at the thought of Izuku and Katsuki. 'Maybe it really is fate.'

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