Morning Feels

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The sky seems to be calm and blue
And warmed by the radiating hue
Of the eastern sun, rose in its clearest view.
Mesmerized as I was, the sunflowers
Also seek the beauty of the scene,
Adoring each flare and flame and the morning beam.

I sip a cup of lukewarm coffee
And a spilled drop of it oozes 
Slowly down my sun-kissed skin.
I feel its mildest heat;
Its caress that's so gentle and sweet
For a tactile sensation to be ever been good to feel.

Today has the most peaceful morning;
The sound of the lively birds chirping,
And the ambience almost silent in hearing,
Is like a paradise of God up there in heaven.
I've always been wishing this moment,
But now in my life, it is finally given.

The ProtagonistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon