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Brite Bomber woke up to loud sirens outside. It took her a moment to realise what was happening. Her eyes widened. She turned in her bed towards Drift. "Drift, wake up!" Brite Bomber exclaimed, in a very drowsy voice. "Huh?" Drift jolted up. He immediately heard the sirens. "Oh no." He said. Brite Bomber and Drift got there gear and ran outside to see Ice King standing near the entrance. "Ice King, what's going on!? Is the monster here!?" Drift yelled. Ice King turned to Drift and Brite Bomber. He nodded. "I can feel it's presence." He said. They all heard noise in the water coming from Lazy Lagoon. Coming from the northwestern part of location, in the ocean movement was visible. Soon the Polar Peak castle peaked up from the water. As it was raised from the water, what was under the castle revealed itself. "Cattus." Ice King whispered. Brite Bomber stared at Cattus' one eye. "What the hell?" She muttered. Cattus roared. The roar was disturbing and sent chills down everyone's spines. Fishstick and Crackshot came up from the hideout. "What is that thing!?" Fishstick exclaimed. "It's name is Cattus. I know about this thing and it's species. They desire lots of power and energy. If there is a powerful energy source then it will absorb it." Ice King informed. "There's nothing as powerful as a nuclear bomb on this island, right? Ice King turned to the others. Brite Bomber and Drift looked at each other. "Loot Lake." They both said. Everyone stared over at Loot Lake which Cattus was already making his way to, destroying trees and buildings in it's place. Cattus arrived at Loot Lake and was excited. Cattus knew about the vault. It raised it's fists and started punching at the vault. One more good slam was all it took to open the vault. Suddenly, something alarmed Cattus. It turned over to see the mech that took Singularity's team so omg to build. They called it Mecha Team Leader. Mecha for short. Singularity piloted it and she was happy that she finally had the chance to battle the monster that threatened the island. Singularity swore on her life that she would protect the vault. Now she can fulfill that promise. Rockets shot out of the arms and shoulders of Mecha and blew up in Cattus' face. Cattus shrieked in pain as Mecha fired another barrage of missiles. Cattus shrieked again and fell backwards. It quickly recovered and stared at Mecha. It roared and it's chest and eye started glowing green. It opened it's jaws and a green laser shot out and hit Mecha and launched it backwards and down to the ground. The paint job on the chest was almost completely ruined and the chest had smoke coming from the blast impact. Mecha stood up and started at Cattus. Mecha ran towards Cattus and the boosters from Mecha's jetpack turned on, launching Mecha and Cattus. Mecha came in contact with Cattus, launching the both of them into the ocean. Everyone heard clanking of metal and Cattus' roar. The noise all stopped for a moment. Something was coming out of the water. It was Mecha. It was victorious in the battle with Cattus. Mecha climbed back onto the island and headed back to Pressure Plant. "Mecha won?" Crackshot asked, looking at everyone else's expression. Before Mecha even got passed Loot Lake, Cattus leaped out of the water, roaring and it landed onto Mecha's back and started ripping and biting Mecha's jetpack to shreds. "Singularity!" Brite Bomber yelled. Cattus roared in excitement as it disabled Mecha's jetpack and it started eating at Mecha's arm, it ripped off the shoulder guard and proceeded to chew the arm joint. Mecha tried to push Cattus off but it was unsuccessful. Mecha punched Cattus in the face, weakening the bite strength, but making Cattus more angry. Mecha shook a little and then spun around in a circle, yanking Cattus off of Mecha's arm but tearing it off with Cattus. Cattus lay stunned next to the soccer stadium. Mecha stumbled over next to Loot Lake and then it fell right on top of it. Mecha's power was all drained out but Cattus still wanted to fight. Cattus got up still a little stunned. Mecha gave it all it got to get up off the ground. Mecha took a good hard look at the vault. "Forgive me." Singularity whispered, inside of the cockpit of Mecha. Mecha punched it's way through Loot Lake's vault a ripped a mysterious orb out. Drift remembered the orb from when the Drum Gun was vaulted and Tilted Towers and Retail Row got destroyed. Mecha cracked the orb. Cracks were all over the the orb and energy sprung from the cracks and charged Mecha's fist. Some of the energy channeled throughout the entire mech. After all of the leaked energy was absorbed. Cattus charged at Mecha. Cattus wanted the energy all to himself and Cattus was confident that he would get it. As Cattus was about to bite Mecha's face, Mecha slammed it's fists into Cattus' head sending it flying. Cattus hit the ground and was almost paralyzed. Cattus struggled to get up. Mecha stared down at Cattus and then looked over to Neo Tilted. Mecha headed over to Neo Tilted and stared down at the Singularity statue that stood proud in the middle of a pool of water. Mecha reached down to the statue and grabbed it. To supports slowly came out of the water and latched onto the statue. Mecha started pulling the statue out of the water. As the statue came out. A massive blade was on the end. Once the blade was pulled out of the water. Mecha held it into the air. The energy that was absorbed traveled into the blade of the sword. Cattus roared. Mecha quickly gazed at Cattus. Cattus was charging up his blast as his neck glowed green. Mecha and Cattus rushed at each other and both leaped into the air. Mecha struck faster and brought the blade down on Cattus' head piercing the scales and the skull, and coming out of the other end of the head lodged into the ground. Cattus' dead body quickly started to disintegrate, revealing Cattus' skull. Mecha stared down at it's fallen opponent. Shortly after Mecha started doing the floss dance. With one arm. Drift rolled his eyes. Ice King stared at Cattus' skull. "It's over." He whispered, heading back into the hideout. Drift looked at Mecha one more time. A hatch in the face opened up and shot something out of it. The object landed over in Lonely Lodge. "Hey did any of you guys see that?" Drift said, looking at the others, confused. Nobody seemed to care as they all headed back into the hideout. "I saw it." Fishstick said. Drift turned to see Fishstick standing next to him and looking up at his face. "Lets go check it out." Drift said, holding a rift. Drift and Fishstick rifted their way into the sky and glided over to Lonely Lodge. Their was a giant hole in the roof. "Whatever that was must still be here." Drift said. Fishstick rushed into the giant cabin to see a metal rectangle that was covered in wood. Fishstick threw the big pieces off the object and brushed the wood chips off. Drift entered the cabin. "Hey Drift, this looks a container." Fishstick said. He pressed what looked like a button. The top of the object retracted into the bottom half. Inside was Singularity. The armor on her right arm was completely gone. Her veins were visible, clear as day and something light blue was traveling through her veins, similar to the energy Mecha absorbed. Blood was coming out of her nose, ears and mouth. "Holy shit!" Drift rushed to the container and lifted singularity out and placed her onto the ground. "Watch her, I'll get some help!" Drift ran outside and used a rift to teleport him to the sky. Fishstick stared at Singularity. She stared at Fishstick. "Am I going to die?" Singularity whispered. "N-No, you're safe here and Drift went to go get help." Fishstick said, worried. Singularity cracked a smile. She held onto Fishstick's hand. Fishstick looked at Singularity, surprised at her gesture. "I know that you're lying." Singularity smirked. Fishstick was at a loss for words. Singularity's smirk became a frown quickly. She stated up at Fishstick. "I don't want to die." She whimpered. Fishstick looked down at her. He got up and lifted her up and walked her upstairs and brought her to one of the rooms. He put her down on the bed and he kneeled on the floor next to the bed. Singularity put her hand on Fishstick's face. "You're cute." Singularity whispered. Fishstick's eyes widened at her comment. "No one has ever been kind to me before. Not even a little bit. When I was younger I was always bullied. My parents hated me too. My dad left my mom and I when I was just a couple months old because he thought of me as disgusting and a failure." Fishstick looked up at Singularity with tears in his eyes. "I just want to forget everything bad that happened to me but the thought of everyone hating me just followed me wherever I go. That's why I'm so insecure and have no friends." A tear rolled down Fishstick's cheek. Singularity wiped it way. "I can be your friend." Singularity smiled. She covered her mouth as she started coughing. She coughed more and more and more. "Singularity!?" Fishstick exclaimed. Singularity coughed blood out onto the bedsheets. Singularity got out of the bed, coughing. She stumbled into Fishstick's arms. She stopped coughing as blood leaked from her mouth and onto Fishstick's shirt. Fishstick went from little tears to crying his eyes out. Singularity latched onto Fishstick. "I don't want to go yet." She said, a tear rolling down her cheek. She stared up at Fishstick. "I wish I could've been your friend longer." Singularity whispered, shutting her eyes. Fishstick was shaking. He stood up and stared at Singularity's body. He picked her up and placed her onto the bed. The only person who showed him a sign of affection. Gone. Fishstick stared crying again. He ran out of the room and down the stairs. He ran out of Lonely Lodge and bumped into Drift. Fishstick started bawling with his face buried into Drift's shirt. "Woah dude, what happened?" Drift asked. Fishstick looked up at Drift. Drift read Fishstick's expression. He dropped the bandages that he brought for Singularity. Fishstick looked back at Lonely Lodge, wiping away his tears.

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