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Dark Bomber wandered around the base looking around the rooms she had never seen before. She ended up stumbling across this giant room with a small watchtower at the top. She peered down into the room and spotted a table with tools on it and several blood stains on the walls and floor. There were broken chains hanging on one of the walls. A torture chamber? Dark Bomber thought. She smiled continuing to explore the bases. Ideas were floating around in her head. Maybe if she gathers a few people she could satisfy her sadistic needs.


Drift sat down next to Catalyst who was outside of the hideout. "I wonder if my mom is ok." Catalyst said. "Well, I know where she is." Drift replied. "You do!? Is she ok!?" "Well something happened to Brite Bomber. Awhile back, a day or two before you arrived here, there was an accident related to the storm. Brite Bomber was struck by the storm's lightning which I'm guessing must've caused something to happen to her." "The power of the glyphs." "The what?" "In my timeline, I remember that mom talked about the storm and this Kevin the cube thing. It was like she knew everything about it. She never really spoke about how she got into the topic. Maybe in my timeline she somehow got back to normal and researched the power of the storm and Kevin the cube." Catalyst informed. Drift nodded. "How do we change her back?" Drift asked. "Maybe there's someone else on the island who knows a lot about the storm?" Catalyst suggested. Drift remembered the guy who was with Dark Bomber. He looked like he had the same essence that controlled Dark Bomber inside of him too. "I think I might know someone." Drift said. Drift quickly rushed into the hideout and searched through the storage and grabbed out a telescope. He quickly ran back out of the hideout and plopped the telescope at the edge of the hill. "Theres a big chance that the guy working with Brite Bomber might come near." Drift said. "Maybe." Catalyst shrugged. Catalyst and Drift ended up waiting hours for two of them to see something. Drift messed around with the telescope as he was consumed more and more by boredom. Catalyst was laying down on the soft grass, asleep. Drift stared over at the giant floating island that held Kevin the cube at the bottom. He noticed something happening on Kevin. A small black spot appeared. It was moving around and growing larger slightly until a beam shot into the ground. Drift quickly focused on it with the telescope. He saw the beam grow in a certain way that made it look like it was opening up. He then noticed something approaching the floating island. It was Fallen, that was Drift's target. That's who he needed to fix Brite Bomber. Drift quickly rushed over to Catalyst and woke her up. "Wake up, I see the guy, he's walking towards Kevin." Drift said. Suddenly a strange noise came from Kevin. Catalyst and Drift quickly rushed to the edge of the hill to see Fallen standing in front of the beam that, if closely observed, appeared to be a gate. Suddenly a person walked out of this "gate." This person appeared to be the famous criminal, Wild Card but they had lines over what resembled eyes on the mask, similar to the markings over Dark Bomber's eyes. Following "Dark" Wild Card was a knight who looked familiar. It was Red Knight but she was powered by the storm too. She had horns and cube streaks over her eyes too. Following her was one more person. This person looked like a very familiar face to others. It was Jonesy. Jonesy was a very interesting person. He somehow survived in a locked bunker just by eating Peely, who was a hybrid between a man and a banana. This version of Jonesey was holding a cube which was hovering a few inches above his hand. The gate they came out of closed and the beam of light quickly shrank back into Kevin The Cube. Drift quickly searched his backpack that sat next to his telescope and pulled out a disassembled shotgun. He quickly snapped the pieces together and loaded it. "You're really going down there?" Catalyst whispered. Drift nodded, handing her his pickaxe. "I'm going to need your help, too." Drift replied, jumping off the hill and gliding his way to the group of cube infected people. Drift landed as silently as possible. Catalyst followed and landed behind him. Catalyst was nervous and her forehead and palms were sweating. She shook as she held the pickaxe tightly. "Now!" Drift whispered, running as fast as he could behind Dark Wild Card. "Don't move!" Drift yelled. "I will shoot!" Catalyst walked behind Drift, holding her pickaxe. Dark Wild Card turned his head and stared at Drift. With immense speed, Dark Wild Card quickly moved out of the way of Drift's shotgun and grabbed the end of it. Dark Wild Card's hand started glowing as a dark purple liquid dripped over the shotgun. Glyphs were dancing around in the liquid as the liquid ended up melting the end of the shotgun, rendering it completely useless. Dark Wild Card quickly kicked Drift in the chest and pushed him to the ground. Catalyst slashed at Dark Wild Card with her pickaxe and slammed the blade into his side. "Gah!" Dark Wild Card cried out, falling to the ground, covering his wound. A mix between a non acidic version of that strange glyph liquid and blood leaked between Dark Wild Card's fingers. Fallen snarled at Drift and Catalyst. A strange rumbling noise was heard above Drift and Catalyst. They looked up and saw the same beam on Keving shoot down and hit them. Glyphs surrounded both Drift and Catalyst. "What the fu-" Catalyst was cut off as she and Drift were transported to some strange location. Once they arrived, they got up off the ground and looked around. It was a weird location with black and purple details all over the place. There was strange writing on the walls. And the ground had weird formations. "Are we inside of Kevin?" Drift asked, amazed at what he was seeing. Catalyst walked over to the wall with the writing. "These are some sort of hieroglyphics." She said. "Well can you read them?" Drift asked. Catalyst squinted at them. "Yes. Yes I can."

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