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Catalyst woke up early in the morning. She must've slept well because her back was stiff and she didn't feel like feel like getting out of bed. It took a little bit until she realized she didn't have to. As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she looked around. She saw a bunch of other people with her. They were all in a giant room with broken chains and shackles on the walls with dried blood stains accompanying the chains. A lot of people were still sleeping, including Drift. Catalyst noticed some noises and then she saw a young woman. Whoever it was was whimpering a lot. She seemed pretty young. Maybe sixteen, could be seventeen. Her name was Aura. One of the troublemakers on the island. She had beautiful orange hair that she mostly covered with a beanie. Catalyst crawled over to Aura. "Are you ok?" Catalyst asked. Aura wiped her tears away. "N-no." Aura quivered. "I'm guessing you wanna get out of this place just as badly as I do?" Catalyst asked. Examining the room a second time. Aura nodded. She curled into a ball. Aura had an older brother named Guild. He was growing a beard, he had natural brown hair and he assisted Aura in most of the things she did. Guild started waking up from his deep sleep. Catalyst realized that Dark Bomber injected that liquid in a little more than a few people. Guild rubbed his eyes. "What the fuck happened." He groaned. As Guild's eyes focused, he saw Catalyst comforting Aura. Who the?- Guild cut off his thought as he looked around. He noticed that the room they were all in was a giant torture chamber. Drift started waking up. He looked around. "Where the hell are we?" Drift asked. He looked over to Catalyst and saw her with Aura and Guild who was still out of shape. "Drift?" A voice said. Drift zipped around and saw Singularity standing behind him. Drift got up off the ground. "So, how'd you get here? I was hit in the head by some storm demon with a rock." Drift said. "Well I was at the hideout and someone rang the doorbell. I checked to see who it was and nobody was there I went outside. I then felt something on my neck and them everything went black. Now that I think about it. That's sounds like I was some stupid character in a generic horror movie." Singularity replied. "Do you know if anyone else was taken. "All I know is that me, Crackshot, Fishstick, Redline, Sanctum, Fate, and I think someone else was captured but I'm not too sure." Drift glanced behind Singularity's shoulder and everyone she named was there. Fate waved at Drift. Drift patted his pockets to see if Fallen was stupid enough to leave his phone where it was. Apparently Fallen was not stupid. No sign of Drift's phone. He sighed and looked around. There needs to be a way out of here! Drift thought. Drift looked up at the giant glass window at the top of the room. That's probably where Fallen and the other enemies watch all of the captives. Drift tried thinking of ideas but all of his ideas were shut down by the reality of how high up that window was. Drifr continued looking at the window. He swore he saw movement at the top. He focused and tried to seen of he could make out what was going on up there. He then heard a noise coming from the side of the wall. A heavy metal door opened up. The kind of door from some sci-fi story that looks indestructible. Out came Dark Bomber. "Hello prisoners!" She called. Everybody just looked at her, slightly nervous. Dark Bomber pulled out a revolver. "One of you are going to die today. Right now actually." Dark Bomber added. A few people gasped and everyone got way more nervous. Dark Bomber slowly marched around the torture chamber. She studied everyone in the room carefully. "You." Dark Bomber said, picking her victim. Dark Bomber chose Maven. A young woman, about 20 years old. She was a nerd and knew almost everything about science and physics. If anyone had a question about something. She would be the one to answer it. She had black hair and wore glasses that had black frames that looked nice with her hair. "No! Please!" Maven yelled, as tears flooded out of her eyes. Dark Bomber grabbed her shirt and lifted her off the ground. Dark Bomber had a huge grin on her face. "Stay away from her!" Singularity yelled. "Do you want to die too?" Dark Bomber asked. Singularity was silent. "That's what I thought." Dark Bomber dragged Maven over to the shackles on the wall and chained her arms and legs to the wall. "Please, don't do this." Maven whispered. "Do you remember way back in elementary school? Remember how we were the best of friends in third grade. We were inseparable since then. It was all until about eleventh grade when I got jealous how you got to date Drift when I had a huge crush on him. I never talked to you after that. If you don't do this we can be friends again. I want to have another friend like you." Tears dripped from of Maven's cheeks. Dark Bomber smiled. "I'm not the Brite Bomber you used to know." Dark Bomber whispered, stuffing her gun in a holster. She then pulled out a knife from her pocket. Maven was squirming in the restraints. Dark Bomber turned around to see if everyone was watching. Dark Bomber then focused on Drift. She turned the knife a certain way so the light from the ceiling shined on the knife and shined in Drift's eyes. Once Drift focused on the knife. He looked at it carefully and noticed something about. It was the same knife that was ment for him. The Kitsune engraving was there. Dark Bomber grinned again, as she thrusted the knife into Maven's stomach. Dark Bomber ripped the knife out and thrusted it back into Maven's stomach. Dark Bomber kept doing this over and over and over. She did it for one minute. Twi minutes. Five minutes. Once Dark Bomber was done, she licked the edge of the blade. Drift shivered. Maven's dead body hung on the wall. The entire stomach region of Maven's shirt went from clean white to dark red. Blood poured out of Maven's mouth. Dark Bomber lifted Maven's shirt up, revealing all the stab wounds. Dark Bomber stabbed deep into the top of Maven's chest and slashed down to the bottomed of her stomach. Singularity almost threw up. She looked away and leaned up against Fishstick. It almost looked like either an organ or chunck of flesh was about to fall out of Maven's stomach. Dark Bomber turned to her "audience." Dark Bomber looked around and stared down at Aura who was crying. Aura tries being as silent as possible and only small whimpers were heard. Aura noticed that Dark Bomber was looking at her. "Please, not me." Aura cried, failing to keep her whimpers quiet. Dark Bomber crouched down next to Aura. Maybe I can show some sympathy to you for now because you're a little younger than everyone else but I still want to damage you somehow. Aura buried her face into Guild's shirt. "Dont worry, I'm not going to hurt you physically, but I'm going to emotionally destroy you." Dark Bomber said, pulling out her revolver and she quickly shot Guild. Aura perked up. She saw a bullet hole in Guild's chest, right next to her head. "Guild!" Aura yelled. Aura was sobbing uncontrollably, her nose was running and she almost passed out due to all of her crying. "Please dont die!" Aura yelled. Guild wrapped his arms around Aura. "I will always be with you, ok? I want you to remember that." Guild said. "No, dont leave me!" Aura yelled. "I'm sorry." A tear dropped from Guild's cheek. Aura sat there, with her arms wrapped around her now dead brother. Catalyst put her arm on Aura's shoulder. Rage filled Drift. His plan changed. Dark Bomber needed to be destroyed. Even if it means, Dark Bomber has to take down Brite Bomber with her.

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