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"Okay guys, I'm going out to get some loot!" Brite Bomber called, closing the hideout door. Brite Bomber stared at the beautiful sunset for a moment and then headed to a small shed that wasn't too far from the hideout. Brite Bomber opened the rickety door and inside was a combat shotgun and an AR. She reached for the guns but before she did, she felt a jolt in her arm. She shrugged it off and grabbed the shotgun. Once she did, her arm felt excruciating pain. "Gah!" Brite Bomber cried out, falling onto the ground. She gripped her arm in pain. She pulled up her sleeve and stared down at the problem. The purple glow in her veins was back and something was moving around in her veins. Whatever it was, was antsy and had an urge to do something. Brite Bomber got back up, trying to pull her self together. She rolled her sleeve back down and grabbed the guns and headed out.


Drift and the others were sitting around in the hideout. Fishstick and Drift were completely silent ever since Singularity died. Redline noticed the two were looking sad. "What's bugging you two?" Redline asked. Drift and Fishstick stared at Redline. "N-Nothing." Fishstick gulped. Redline smirked under her mask and walked over to Fishstick. She sat right down next to him. She placed her hand on Fishstick's shoulder. "You can tell me." She said. Fishstick avoided looking at Redline. "Singularity died." Fishstick whimpered. There was a long silence. "I-I had to watch her die in m-my arms." Fishstick curled up into a ball. Redline was speechless. Suddenly the entire hideout shook, waking up Rust Lord. "What was that?" He said, tired. Everyone looked at each other for a moment then quickly rushed upstairs and out of the hideout to see the Zero Point at Loot Lake was glowing a lot more than it did before. There were more cracks and a lot more energy leaked from those cracks. The Zero Point stated glowing more and more until it couldn't take all the energy and it exploded. Sending a shockwave of energy throughout the entire map and making a huge amount of light. Drift woke up in a purple area. He was floating around in.I there were purple clouds and throughout the were things from the island. Vaulted guns and rubble flew by Drift. He was able to see Tomato Temple and the volcano in the distance. Drift heard a giant rift open up behind him as the Visitor's rocket blasted out of it and teleported away in another rift. As some clouds cleared by, Drift was able to see the one and only Kevin The Cube with the Loot Lake island sitting on it's back. Soon a rift butterfly appeared. It twirled it's way around Drift and landed on his nose. A giant rift appeared behind Drift and consumed him. As is it did, he jolted up from the ground. Was that a dream an- Drift's thoughts were cut off by Rust Lord. "Holy shit!" Rust Lord yelled. Drift got up from the ground to see that Dusty Depot was back but a giant meteor was directly above it, frozen in time. Cattus skeleton had pink leaves, vines, and grass all over it and the Zero Point at Loot Lake had a force field around it and everything in the force field was frozen in time. Everyone looked at the island in awe for a moment. "You guys can do your things. I'm going to find Brite Bomber." Drift said, jumping off the hill and the hideout's entrance stood on and deploying his glider. Drift landed right next to Cattus' skeleton and he saw what seemed to be Rust Lord, climbing the skeleton. Drift was confused. How the hell did Rust Lord get to the skeleton that fast without him noticing. "Hey, Rust Lord! What're you doing!?" Drift called. Rust Lord turned his head to Drift and jumped off the skeleton. He walked up to Drift. As Rust Lord got closer to Drift, Drift noticed that Rust Lord was wearing something different than his usual clothes and helmet. Both the clothes and helmet had slightly different designs and the helmet looked brand new and shiny. "Did you get new gear?" Drift joked. "Heh. I haven't heard anyone call me Rust Lord in awhile." Rust Lord said. "What do you mean? We call you that everyday." "The name is X-Lord and what do you mean 'we?' Who calls me Rust Lord?" Drift looked at Rust Lord confused and then he remembered. The power of the rifts contained the ability of time travel and the Zero Point is made of rift energy so when the Zero Point exploded, the energy became unstable and that's what must've created that force field around Loot Lake and brought back Dusty Depot. That must mean this 'X-Lord' person is Rust Lord from the future! Does that mean there could be others from the future here? Or maybe from the past? Drift stared back at X-Lord who continued trying to climb Cattus' skeleton. Drift felt a tap on his soldier. He turned around to see Brite Bomber holding a bunch of new guns. "Nice, new weapons!" Drift said. "Yea, these were a pain in the ass to find. I got a couple shotguns and I also got-" Brite Bomber stopped mid sentence as her eyes widened. "Um, are you ok?" Drift asked. Brite Bomber pointed behind Drift. Drift turned around to see a giant mech suit heading towards them. It stopped right in front Drift. "What the?" Drift whispered, looking up at the towering mech. The red cockpit at the top opened up. someone jumped out of the mech and onto the ground. The person looked similar to Drift with a fox mask and a large coat but this person's clothes were black with purple detailing and they were a female. "Uhh, hey." Drift said, confused. The girl took off her mask to reveal her pretty face that had a set of beautiful hair that was dyed purple and the hair on the side of the head was almost completely shaved off similar to Drift 's hair. The girl smiled at Drift with tears in her eyes. She hugged Drift tightly. "Dad." She said. Drift looked at her confused. His eyes widened as he realized. That girl is his daughter from the future

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