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Dark Bomber exited the Noms supermarket, still searching for her victim, Sparkle. "I found them!" Fallen told Dark Bomber as quietly as he could. Dark Bomber head over to Fallen with her gun loaded and ready to open fire. As they got closer to their victim. Somebody threw a container at them. It landed in front of Dark Bomber's feet. Dark Bomber and Fallen inspected it. They saw rift in the container, dancing around, wanting to be free. The container cracked slightly and the rift shot out of that containerx god knows how fast, into the sky and the the rift exploded in the sky. Dark Bomber stared at the rift confused until something came out of it. A variety of containers came out of the rift but before any of those containers hit the ground a police car shot out of the rift and was headed to the ground at an insane speed. "Shit!" Fallen yelled as he and Dark Bomber jumped out of the way. "That'll keep them busy for awhile. Let's go!" Sparks said leading Sparkle, Luxe, Master Key, Sandstorm, and Scimitar somewhere else that was safe. As Dark Bomber got off of the ground, she stared at the police car and heard loud lightning behind her. She jumped at the sound and instinctively turned around. She saw a giant purple stone coming from the ground with dirt surrounding the bottom. Near the stone was about ten or twenty creatures that had the appearance of zombies a looked as if they were powered by that stone. One of them roared. All the others roared with it. They all ran passed Dark Bomber and Fallen and went straight for Sparkle and the others. "Huh, that's weird." Fallen said. "Its almost like we're one of them." Dark Bomber replied. One of the zombies that fell behind stared at Dark Bomber and Fallen. It walked up to them and stared at Dark Bomber in the eyes. It squinted at her for a moment. It just stood there. Watching her. It ended up following the other zombies. Dark Bomber watched it follow it's pack. Dark Bomber shrugged as she firmly gripped her rifle and followed the zombies.


"What do we do?" Sparkle asked everyone else. Sparks walked passed her past self and looked out the window of the house they all took shelter in and stared at the horde of zombies. "We can't take them all on." Sparks said, with a very negative tone in her voice. Luxe looked at Sparks. "I may know some people that could help." Luxe said. Pulling out her phone. She turned it on and scrolled through her contacts and stopped at a specific name. Lynx. She tapped the name. There was silence for a moment and then Lynx picked up. "Hey Lynx." Luxe said. "Hi." Lynx replied. "Do you need me for something or did you and Master Key do something you weren't supposed to and you want me to help." Luxe was silent for a moment. "Nah but Master Key and I would appreciate your help because there's this crazy duo and a horde of zombies trying to kill my team and I." "Luxe, What the hell are you doing? You know what, don't even answer that, I'll come help you." "Wait, Lynx before you leave the call, I suggest you bring more than just yourself and a gun." Luxe said, hanging up. "So now we wait?" Sandstorm asked. Luxe nodded.


After almost thirty minutes of waiting and hearing the zombies bite and scratch at the house, everyone heard a loud bang in the distance. Sparks quickly rushed to the window to see explosions and zombies being flung off the ground. Sparks watched all the zombies getting blown up to ashes in seconds. After all the purple dust cleared, Sparks was able to see Lynx standing on a dead zombie, holding a grenade launcher. Lynx waved at Sparks through the window. Everyone rushed outside to meet Lynx. "Long time, no see." Luxe said, hugging Lynx. "By the way, I brought some reinforcements. They should be here soon." Lynx informed. Looking in the sky. In the distance Lynx's "reinforcements" were visible. Clinging onto their own gliders were Drift, Crackshot, Onesie, and Zenith. They all landed and looked around at Retail Row. "I can't believe Retail Row is back." Onesie grinned. "I don't think you should move back here. It's always foggy and creepy here and also there's the zombies." Zenith said. "Don't rub it in." Onsie said, with an annoyed expression on her face. "So where's this duo you've been talking about?" Lynx asked. "Over there." Luxe pointed to behind Lynx. Next to the giant stone that spawned zombies were Fallen and Dark Bomber. "Wait a minute." Drift said, walking in front of everyone else. "Stay back. They have the essence of both Kevin the cube and the storm flowing through their veins!" Scimitar yelled. Drift squinted at Dark Bomber. "Brite Bomber?" He asked. "Yea it's me." Dark Bomber said walking over to Drift. "Why do you look like that?" Drift asked. Dark Bomber now stood directly in front of Drift. Dark Bomber pulled the black mask that covered Drift's mouth off and kissed him. Sparks stared at Dark Bomber closely and saw her reaching for something on her leg. Sparks ended up figuring out it was a knife. "Hey!" Sparks said, shooting Dark Bomber in the leg. "Gah!" Dark Bomber cried out as she fell to the ground gripping her leg. "What the hell!?" Drift yelled at Sparks. "She has a knife!" Sparks called out. Drift looked back at Dark Bomber who was clearly holding a knife. Drift noticed there was a little engraving in the blade of the knife. It said "Kitsune." That knife was definitely ment for Drift and more specifically, lodged in Drift's stomach. Crackshot rushed to Drift and brought him into the house that the others used to take shelter from the zombies with. Once they all rushed upstairs, Drift stared out the window and saw Fallen rushing Dark Bomber to somewhere safe. It was nighttime and everyone decided to spend the night in that house. Drift sat down on the floor with only two sentences floating in his head. "Why did Brite Bomber want to kill me?" and "What happened to Brite Bomber."

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