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Catalyst studied the hieroglyphics and the cave painting-like drawings next to them. "Ok, I don't understand every word on this wall but I get what it's trying to say." Catalyst said. Drift walked over to her and looked at the drawings. "It says something about how the cube's essence is like a leech; a parasite, it feeds off the power of it's host and changes the appearance of it's host to it's liking. Once the host is close to it's death, the parasite with leave it's host to die. Once the parasite have left, it will either create a replica of it's host when is was influenced by the essence or it will search for another host." Catalyst explained. Drift looked at Catalyst. "I think I know how to fix Brite Bomber." He said, getting up. "I don't think we can do that if we cant get out of here." Catalyst said. Drift ignored her, pulling out his dual-axes. He walked over to the edge of the dimension they were in. Drift started slamming the dual-axes into the ground. "What the hell are you doing?" Catalyst asked. "Maybe I can break us out of here." Drift thought. With every hit, the surface grew lighter and lighter. Drift hit the ground for almost an hour until the surface was almost completely white. After a few more hits, Catalyst and Drift heard a noise. They both looked around. There was nothing until Drift looked back at where he was striking. A dark speck was flickering and moving. It was identical to the one that created the gate that the Dark Reflections came out of. The speck quickly grew larger and larger. Until it engulfed the entire area.


Dark Red Knight had Dark Wild Card laying in her lap. Dark Wild Card had his hand over his now bandaged wound. Fallen and Dark Jonesy stared up at Kevin The Cube which had the flickering speck. Dark Jonesy and Fallen both knew that the speck ment the gate would open soon. The two of them stood nervously, watching Kevin. "How the hell are they opening the gate?" Fallen asked. "I don't know. Kevin doesn't like getting shot or hit by pickaxes. I dont think anyone would like it." Dark Jonesy replied. "Maybe it's because Kevin can't strike them with lightning. They're inside of Kevin's little void and I dont think Kevin can shock himself." The small speck seemed to get larger and larger until it rapidly increased in size. And a beam shot into the ground from the speck. Catalyst and Drift rushed out of the gate that the beam made as soon as it opened. The beam shot back up into Kevin as soon as the two of them exited. Catalyst threw her pickaxe up in the air and caught it by the handle. Pink sparks came off the blade. "Who's ready to fight!?" Catalyst yelled. Dark Jonesy materialized a pickaxe out of thin air and gripped it tightly. At first there was a pause. Then Catalyst rushed at Dark Jonesy. As they ran towards each other, their blades collided. Drift ran over to Dark Red Knight and started slashing. Dark Red Knight was able to dodge every move. With her fast reflexes, she ducked under one of Drift's slashes and shattered one of Drift's dual blades. "Oh shit." Drift said, ad Dark Red Knight tripped him and punched him in the face as he was falling to the ground. Dark Red Knight continued to beat Drift repeatedly. After a bunch of punches, Drift had blood coming from his nose, he had a black eye and that eye was so messed up, he shed a tear of blood. He rubbed his eye, only making the pain worse and he stumbled back up. "Is that all you got?" Drift asked, twirling his axe that no longer has a twin. Catalyst peered over Dark Jonesy's shoulder. She knew something very bad would happen if she didn't help. Rage filled Catalyst. She thrusted her pickaxe towards Dark Jonesy as hard as she could and before he could react, the pickaxe went straight into his chest. His eyes widened. Suddenly, his skin was regaining color. He looked more like a normal person now, compared to the way he looked before. The marks near his eyes started fading and his eye color went back to normal. On the ground was this liquid that started moving away. So that's what the essence looks like. Catalyst thought, tossing bandages over to Jonesy. She then looked over to Drift. She ran to Dark Red Knight and slammed her pickaxe into Dark Red Knight's back. She fell to the ground as the essence leaked from her mask. Catalyst crouched down and poured some slurp juice on Dark Red Knight's back. "This should heal it." Catalyst said. Catalyst then looked over to Drift. His eye was super messed up. Catalyst wiped the blood off his eye gently with the tip of her finger. "I'm glad she didn't do more than that to you." Catalyst said, hugging Drift carefully. Drift wrapped his arms around her. Catalyst and Drift both remember something almost at the same time. They both looked over to Fallen who almost didn't move an inch the entire time. Next to him was Dark Wild Card. "You're gonna be just like the other two!" Catalyst yelled, charging at them. Catalyst heard something. She slowed down slightly and listened carefully. Someone was gliding in. Catalyst looked up but was too late. Whoever it was already landed. They kicked Catalyst down to the ground. Catalyst looked up and saw who it was. Dark Bomber. Fallen's backup had arrived. Dark Bomber quickly pushed Catalyst to the ground and held her down by the neck. Catalyst tried pulling Dark Bomber's arm away but was too late. Dark Bomber pulled a syringe out of her pocket and injected it into Catalyst's neck. Catalyst passed out almost immediately. "No!" Drift yelled. He ran over to Dark Bomber. Dark Bomber tried injecting a different syringe into Drift's neck but Drift grabbed her arm. Drift tried thrusting his axe into Dark Bomber's stomach but she grabbed his arm before he stabbed her. Dark Bomber had a menacing smile of her face. Dark Bomber was able to read Drift's emotion just by looking at his face. Drift was getting angrier and angrier. Drift quickly kicked Dark Bomber in the knee, causing her to fall down. Drift snatched the syringe out of Dark Bomber's hand and just before he could inject the liquid in Dark Bomber's neck, Fallen slammed a rock into the back of Drift's head, causing Drift to collapse immediately. Fallen stared at Drift for a moment, then helped Dark Bomber up. "Dont forget to take them with us." Dark Wild Card said. Fallen glanced at Drift and Catalyst. "I wont."

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