X.Where Did You Go, I Should Know But Its Cold.X

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•Chapter One•

Age: 7
Status: Quirk~Not Manifested

He wasn't there.
Lost somewhere.
The warm safe nights lost.
The soft smile lost.
The calming hugs lost.
He was gone,
Gone for good.

Tonight was the night fate made sure Kaida would never forget, as she cried herself to sleep wishing for a better life.

She was raised to not fear and be feared, but it was cold inside the safest place she'd ever known, Kaida couldn't help but feel cold inside, like she could die and nobody would be there to save her.

Lights didn't brighten up the little girl's room as much as his smile did, but like the nights breeze, it was there, and now it's gone. He slipped right through her fingers and lost in the lonely night.

•Next Morning•
Waking up to an empty house was something new for Kaida, as her brother protected her at all costs, that made her wonder why out of the blue he leaves her and shows no sign of coming back.

Breakfast was light as her half brushed raven hair cascaded down the back of her lost brothers hoodie, which was two sizes two big for Kaida's small body. She'd wore it for comfort not realising it made her miss him ten times more.

The decision for today already made that she was going out to look for him, though she didn't want to admit it but Kaida knew that she would never find him again...

time skip brought to you by dekus innocence

Searching the streets brought nothing but eerie alleyways and dodgy people offering Kaida free vacuums, which must have been a code word for something, she knew the flame of hope died down quite long ago yet only now did she feel it along with the realisation that he was nowhere to be found.

Leaning against a wall in the shade, a large house shadows over Kaida as the her eyes gaze up to be met with an oversized classical Japanese house with flowerbeds like a meadow on the doorstep. Kaida's legs carried her to the large door even though her brain said otherwise, the girls small hand crept up to knock, and just then the door swiftly opened to reveal a woman with straight white hair. It was flowing down her back like the waterfalls Kaida was promised to see by her brother, the woman's eyes were diamond blue and captivating to say the least, yet they told a different story, her eyes were like a part of her face that the mask couldn't conceal.

The white haired woman's face expression turned from shock to sweet as she kneels down before the little girl.

With bright eyes she cheerily speaks,
"Hello dear, are you lost? Can I help you?"
Kaida looked up to meet those eyes with her voice accompanying her.
"My brother... H-have you seen him?"
"Dear what is his name"
"T-Touya.. Touya Himura"
"It doesn't really ring a bell, do you have a picture?"
"Umm yes! I do" Kaida cheerfully spoke with a glint of hope in her voice.

Fumbling in her bag, she brings out an a4, creased image of a boy who looks around 17, spiky red hair with light blue eyes smiling as he carried his little sister on his back, taken around last year in summer, the most valuable thing Kaida has ever owned.
"Hmm.. no deary he doesn't look so familiar" she noticed the girls excited expression drop as she slid the picture into her bag again,
"Oh..okay, thank you anyway" and with those words the little girl turned and started to slumber away, her precious head held low down in sadness.

"Wait!, I can't leave you here dear, why don't you come in? Unless there is somebody at home for you?"
Kaida turned around as her gloomy expression morphed into quite an unreadable one, a mix of hope and sadness.

"Touya was the only one left..."
"Why then dear come in" she gestured a kind hand for the girl to hold.

Happily Kaida held on and followed her into the house, on their way to the door the white haired woman spoke, "I am Rei, Rei Todoroki, and you are?"
"Kaida Himura!"
Rei chuckled, "Hmm, is that so little one?"
Little did Kaida know that this was her home for the rest of her life...

•Chapter One Finished•

(massive high five if you got the vine, kinda hard to spot but ah well, comment down below)

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