X.I Need A Lover To Trust, Tell Me You're On My Side.X

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•Chapter Seven•

Kaida turned to face the boy, her face morphed from a severe blush into a surprised one as he looked like he was going to pop a vein or something. "You good Kit Kat? You're looking a bit, what's it, more angry then usual". Despite her joking nickname her face was filled with genuine confusion as she reached a hand to check how hot he was getting. "Don't touch me, extra!" He shouted as he slapped her hand away from him, a bit gentle than anticipated.

Kaida shrugged her shoulders at his unusual yet usual behaviour and began to approach the lockers as the boy grabbed her hand unusually gentle.

Katsuki brought a hand to her chin and made her look into his crimson eyes, "Did that idiot do anything, cuz if he did SO HELP ME I WIL-" his obnoxious shouting was cut off by Kaida sniggering at him, "Are we being protective now?"
His ears reddened at the comment as he denied her query, "No, stupid it's only because that yellow haired pikachu irritates the fuck out of me!"
"Mmm, seems fair enough, well you saw me scare him away so I don't need protection from the likes of a hedgehog"

Katsuki's eyes were engulfed by a deeper red as he spoke, "You've got three seconds to run."
Kaida's eyes lit up in excitement as her demon wings emerged and shot up into the sky.

All she heard down below was a shout of "THREE!" as a sudden sound of crashes and explosions were heard as the boy used his quirk to fly.

He chased the girl for what felt like forever before he snapped out of it when he heard a, "LAST ONE TO THE LOCKER ROOMS HAS TO TAKE THE OTHER OUT AND PAY FOR IT ALL!" Katsuki was not going to lose this as he darted down to the building where the lockers were.

He saw a black blur near the ground in his eyesight and that's when it dawned on him, he'd have to take Kaida Himura on a date and pay for it.

lil time skip to the lockers brought to you by aizawas cats uwu

The two troublemakers came in laughing side by side to an empty locker room.
"This only means one thing" Kaida started, Katsuki finished her sentence, "We're late- aHAHAH" he burst out laughing at the thought of their teachers face, Kaida soon caught on and they both keeled over laughing together, Kaida nearly fell and Katsuki held her arm while gathering his emotions back. They sat on the locker bench still slightly snickering as they heard a deep male, very sleepy, voice "Okay, Iida and Todoroki will go look for them the rest of you stay here"
The boy and girl looked at each other and in unison they whispered "Oh shit".

They scrambled to each opposite end of the locker, rushing their school uniforms on in a disorderly manner.

Soon enough, they were finished and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as their two classmates walked in.

"Kaida where were you?" Said girl's brother asked, "I was here the whole time dammit"
"Really huh?"
"Yup" the girl said in response, a perfect lie actually. "Now", the girl clapped her hands together, "we should be off, hmm?"
Her brother took the sceptical look of his face as he walked out of the room with his sister and her acquaintance, Shouto wasn't too fond of Katsuki and Kaida's so called 'friendship' yet his sister would hate him for it.

Kaida leaned over to her troublemaking partner and whispered, "So when's that date huh?" His face contorted as the realisation kicked in, "Next Saturday and don't be late as usual" he grunted. Kaida snickered at his defeat, "Sure lover boy~" the blond hedgehog went red from head to neck as he punched the girl arm (not so lightly). "That hurt dipshit!" Kaida whined,
"What're you gonna do?"
"Fucking kick your ass in the arcade on Saturday!"
"Sounds like a plan dragon"
"You'll find out one day" Katsuki said while patting the raging girl's head, "now shut up you're being too loud"
"Your one to talk huh?"
"Dunno what your going on about"
Kaida fakes laughing, "Oh ha ha your hilarious" she said as she flipped him off with a passive aggressive smile. "Right back at ya dragon"

shouto and kaida are walking home cuz time skips are my best friends

"You thought anymore about your brother" Shouto inquired out of the blue,
"I can't sleep because of it, one thing I hate is being left in the dark and I want the truth about Touya and where he is" Kaida let out an exhausted sigh. Shouto placed a caring hand on his sister's shoulder, "I know we'll find him"
"And how'd you know that IcyHot?"
"Because we've got the strongest hero on our side- and you aswell  obviously" Kaida playfully shoved his shoulder, "Hah! You wish Freezer Burn"
He chuckled at her bold nicknames and smiled, knowing how happy she made his life and how grateful he was to have her.

•Chapter Seven Finished•

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