X.I Don't Want Your Body But I'd Hate To Think About You With Somebody Else.X

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•Chapter Seven•

Kaida woke up to the familiar sound of Shouto's foot tapping impatiently on the floor while his arms were crossed and looking down at the girl. "Before you say anything" the girl spoke, her voice still raspy from waking up, "you owe me one after leaving that day, sooooo you can't be mad at me"
The boy smiled at his sister's stupid logic and walked back to his room.

It was a Saturday today which meant Kaida had the whole day to sleep, it was like music to her ears to hear that she would finally get some rest.
"Hey dragon" her head shot up as Shouto re-entered her room, "hmm?"
"What're we gonna do today?"
"You expect me to do anything, hah!"
"Kaida I'm serious, you can't just sleep all day like usual"
"Pshhh, what, who said I was gonna sleep haha" Kaida sheepishly laughed.
"Knowing you for 8 years, you use all your free time to sleep" Kaida replied to Shouto with a grunt and rolled out of the bed onto the floor, "how about I just-" she then started falling asleep again her face planted in the carpet.

Her brother walked over to her and pulled her arm up supporting her on his shoulder and sitting her down on her bed, placing himself along side her. "Kaida honestly now, I think we should start looking around"
"Shouto I don't think Akemi is alive anymore" Kaida was talking about a dog on the street that her and her brother befriended at a young age,
"No not Akemi, Touya"
"Oh..." The girl mumbled with a sullen look on her usually bright face. "I've already assumed he's dead"
"Kaida dont-"
"Shouto he left me vulnerable at the age of seven!" She stood up shouting angrily, "he was never there and you think I'm going to go out of my way to look for him when he never wanted to look for me?! Look... I do love him and I do want to see him but, eight years have gone and how much more do I have to wait?"
"I-I understand, just don't assume the worst scenario yeah?" He says soothingly with a hand on his sisters shoudler. Kaida hummed in response.

"Let's just go out and eat till we die" Kaida said out of the blue, "anywhere your stupid head goes I'll go", he replied with a smile.

skip to monday which is everyone's v favourite day :)))

Kaida huffed remembering her weekend was over and she had to see trashbags such as Mineta and- oh wait just him.

The demon girl swiftly took her seat behind Katsuki who turned around to scowl at her then faced their teacher to start class.
"Okay, today we are going on some, field trip, USJ to enhance your rescue skills". A number of excited murmurs and chatters were heard emitting from the eager students. "Let's be on our way then" their teacher states walking to the vehicle as the students followed.

A tap was felt on Kaida's shoulder as she turns around to see nobody there, "Hey down here !" The girl immediately looks down to be met with the intolerable trashbag of a human, Mineta, "What does you dumbass want?"
"Do you and your, two friends wanna sit with me?"
Kaida brought a hand to his face with a swift and hard motion creating a sharp slapping sound. "Like fuck I would" she finished with a spit on the floor and walked out of the classroom, all that was heard was the voice of Denki, "she's a total badass she fucking rocks!"

cut to outside the van, (i legit can't remember if they were transported  by van there pls help)

Kaida was waiting in line to get onto the van when a hand firmly turned her around, "Mineta I swear-" she started before realising, "Oh Kit Kat, what you want " she said with a smile.
"Your sitting with me, and no buts kay?"
"Sure I don't mind, but why?"
"Because I don't want anymore diseases touching what's mi- I mean touching you."
She replied with a satisfied shrug of her shoulders and turned back around to get onto the bus.

we're going to usj, we're going to enhance our rescue skills, what a beautiful day, i hope no villains turn up- yes that was my version of 'we're going on a bear hunt'

Katsuki's POV

Kaida Himura, the girl I swore not to care about and there she was right next to me, god what would I give just to hold her right now, just to free her from her troubled past she never talks about.

The way her eyes pierce makes me want to have her right there and then, but she has her personal life which is hard as it is, I could never add pressure like that to her. The poor girl doesn't have time for feelings and it's sad but true.

I wish there was just something I could do, just to make her notice that she's not alone here. My train of thoughts was broken as the van pulls up to USJ and we both stand ready to exit and start our lessons for today, with all that in mind, I still thought, how do I make her realise?

•Chapter Seven Finished•

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