X.Oh But It's Okay To Be Different, Cuz' Baby So Am I.X

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•Chapter Thirteen•

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE!, SHE CAN'T HAVE JUST VANISHED!", the only sound in the Todoroki household was the constant shouts of Enji or better known as the Number Two Hero- Endeavour. "JUST DO YOUR JOB, I DON'T CARE", his voice echoed again.

A shakier more nervous voice spoke, "But s-sir, your daughter has gone missing. Surely you do care?"

"Tch, she's no daughter of mine, just an utter disappointment." Endeavour walked off, leaving the nervous police officer shocked at the harshness. The officer then left, leaving the household silent due to the absence of her, Kaida Himura was lost.

Shouto's POV

It was him.
Its got to be, he's the only one that could've done it.
He's evil, he'll pay!

"Shouto, this isn't good for you, please eat, I'm sure Kaida will return, she's strong you know." Fuyumi says as she enters my room watching me hopelessly staring at the ceiling, thinking of about my best friend, and sister.

"I know, but I just have a bad, like bad, feeling about where she is" I says meeting her eyes. Fuyumi walked to me and placed a hand on top of my own, "tell me" she said with immense care.

"I- I think this has something to do with him.", as I spoke, my eyes dropped lower looking at my hands miserably. However, Fuyumi's breath caught in her throat making a small choking sound.

"Y-you don't mean-"
"Yeah, I mean it's got to be".
Fuyumi shook her head in disbelief, "I guess that bad feeling of yours was right..."

Kaida's POV

"Well well, it seems after all these years, you have decided to finally show." His voice spoke again, tormenting me verbally.

My eyes looked up to meet his shadowy figure that was not visible, "I don't want to be here, just fucking let me go, I don't know you, you fucking bastard!"

The man let out a raspy laugh as he stood closer, "Oh, you'll learn to love us, give it time, little devil"

My head pounded as I spoke, "Us? Where's the rest of your pathetic squad then huh?"

The figure turned his back on me and walked away, still speaking, "oh I'm sure they would all love to be here, but first you need to join. Obviously." His tone was harsh yet calming, but that didn't stop me from wanting to break the fuck out.

I decided that if I needed an escape, I'm gonna have to convince him that I want to join, whatever this is. "Right then, what am I exactly joining?"

As soon as I spoke, a flash of light hit me like thousands of sunshine rays, yet they weren't warm and welcoming, more cold and harsh. Most important of all, I could see, see everything.

After my eyes adjusted to the light, I was met with a figure who I assumed was my captor, his back was turned to me, but I still wanted to see him.

Then, he turned.

His hair was brown and short.
His eyes piercing and golden.
His mouth mysteriously covered by a mask.
Not any mask, a bird mask that looked like a plague doctor.
So intimidating yet he was so calm.
I thought all villains were aggressive and angry, and it was obvious he wasn't a good guy.

"You, Kaida Himura, are going to join the League of Villains".

Then it clicked, in my head.
I remembered why that was familiar.
The blue haired one is their leader, this is NOT good.

The brown haired man stepped closer, leaving an inch between him and I. A white-gloved hand reaches out, "Overhaul."

That must've been his villain name, I bet his quirk has something to do with breaking apart shit then, great.

I looked suspiciously at his hand and lightly shook his hand, almost not touching at all.

"Look Kaida, it's fine if you don't trust me, I mean I kidnapped you after all, but it's not me who is after you" he started, "not that you would be an excellent piece on my team, but Shigaraki already has plans for you."

Him. I thought.

"The blue haired one?" I asked, Overhaul responded with a nod to confirm my suspicion.
"Why does he need me?"
Overhaul shrugged, "your guess is as good as mine, all I know is he wants you, so I'm doing a trade, I'll give you only if he supplies me some special resources I need for my plans.

Oh god, I thought, I'm part of some sketchy trade now?

Overhaul looked down at his watch, "actually he should be here soon.", he continued, "so about you joining the League..". His fingers tapped on the desk as he awaited a response from me.

I shook my head disbelievingly, "seriously? You think I'm just going to give up my whole school life, just leave my only family and join some random ass strangers who kidnapped me and are trading me for 'special resources'", I air-quoted the last two words.

He started to walk back to the sofa I was sitting on, " look Kaida you are going to have to sooner or later, so you can choose the easy option, or let them force you to join, your choice".

I ran fingers through my long brown hair as thoughts raced around my head, so many questions, so little time.

After a while, I asked, "why me? Why not some other student in some other school" I stood up walking to him, shouting louder, " WHY ME? All my life I've just been beat up by this shitty world and now I'm forced to join a life I never imagined involving myself in! I can't do this and I don't want to!"

His eyes soften ever so slightly as he put his hand on my shoulder, "look, I'll tell you why they chose you. It's because of your quirk, I'm sure you've been told it's villainous and dangerous, people with those quirks , they end up becoming villains because they couldn't possibly be a hero with villainous powers. It just doesn't work, that's why we all end up here" he said gesturing around him.

That's it, all I was, my hero career being impossible and my quirk being labelled dangerous, that's all my life was, all I am. If anything, I was angry.

Extremely frustrated, I strutted up to Overhaul's office desk and picked up a pair of scissors. His eyes were watching me the whole time, not concerned nor worried at what I was doing, almost like he, understood.

I lunged the scissor at the door, which was then stabbed by the scissors, deeply planting itself in the door. I grunted and sat back down, slightly more satisfied.

"Hmm, interesting stress relief", Overhaul said almost in an amused tone.

Only a few minutes later, the stabbed door was opened, and a figure with a plague mask, that covered their whole face, appeared.

His voice was raspy as he spoke, "sir, he's here"

My heart races as I knew exactly who he was talking about, my eyes met Overhaul's.

"It's time Kaida, time to make a choice"

And with that he followed me out of the office and down the cold corridors, wondering what the future holds.

•Chapter Thirteen Finished•

hi guys,,, im rly sorry for not updating I've just been super busy, and this is the longest chapter ive done,,, please forgive me i love yall thank you so much for all the support 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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