X.Step On The Glass, Staple Your Tongue, Bury A Friend, Try To Wake Up.X

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•Chapter Nine•

Nobody's POV

All of Class 1-A arrived at USJ to be met with a short figure with a space suit on, (we're gonna keep Thirteen genderless because their real gender is unknown), Aizawa introduced the class to a hero named Thirteen who was going to lead the lesson.

Kaida walked along with the rest of the class paying close attention to something on her left, he was looking down and not speaking to anyone which was pretty normal for Katsuki. "What're you staring at dragon?"
"Not staring, just thinking" his head looked up to be met with those eyes, the most piercing bulbs of brightness. "What're you thinkin about huh?"
"How your costume sucks ass" she lied,
"Well your costume-" he was cut off by a new person interrupting, "HER COSTUME IS SOOO CUTE AND HOTTT DONT SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT IT BAKUHOE OR ILL TELL THE CLASS YOUR- little secret" the last part was whispered by the figure who was female. "Say anything Raccoon Eyes, and your ass is dead"
"My ass isn't dead hoe, it's hot!"
Kaida interrupted Katsuki before he could start something, "Thanks Mina, at least someone has taste unlike the fucking hedgehog"
"No it's fine" she waved her hands in front of her face, "I was telling the truth anyway, you always look great" Kaida chuckled in disbelief and looking up to the sky, knowing her brother was under that same sky, well at least she hoped.

(i had to add mina in because i love her omg)

time skip brought to you by all mights great parenting

Thirteen was giving a lecture about 'Do's and Dont's" while Kaida understood already she looked around in boredom only to be met with something extremely interesting.

"Um, Thirteen" Kaida raised her hand, "there is a- thing behind you" she said pointing to it, Thirteen slowly turned to be met with a large black and purple portal with yellow eyes. He didn't seem to have a body yet all heroes and villains have weaknesses. As Kaida stood there in thought two figures aggressively charged at the portal without thinking, of course Kirishima and idiotic Katsuki.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? IDIOTS!" As they fell to the ground, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DRAGON!"
"HES A SHADOW, YOU CANT DO SHIT TO HIM" she disappointedly shook her head.

The shadow villain manically laughed, "That is right Young Kaida," said girl looked up at him in disbelief, "you know me you shadow bitch?"
"Indeed, who doesn't?" And with that he used his portal to teleport all of the class info separate locations.

Kaida ended up on the mountains with Shouto while the rest of her classmates were scattered all over, including Katsuki who was in the most dangerous position fighting off the villains, yet she couldn't help because there were some villains of her own to fight.

"Listen, Kaida just stay behind me alright?" Her brother spoke worriedly, the girl scrunched her nose up in dislike, "I can protect myself fucking Canada flag". The villains approached the duo as Shouto prepared his stance yet the powerful female beside him had other plans as her wings fledged and she shot up into the sky distracting the enemies, she then swooped low down at high speed, increasing her wing length while doing so.

Just like bowling pins they all fell over unconscious at the full impact they received. Shouto burned them to finish never quite getting over the fact that Kaida never ceased to amaze him.

"Where to then huh?"
"Where the drama is obviously"
Shouto pointed down below," you mean there?"

Within a flash they see transported by flight and settled behind a rock watching the battle. The blue haired guy was attacking their teacher while the portal guy was taking on Katsuki and Kiri at the same time. "Midoriya's over there in the water"
"And Tsu and...fucking grape head" she spoke the last part with distaste. "Anyway let's go Shouto, we gotta battle to win"

skip to the juicy battle where crusty bitch is now fighting kaida before dadmight comes uwu

"You don't quit huh handyman?" She grunted through speech as she was attempting to restrain the man with her quirk. "Your an annoying one, honestly don't know what toast sees in you"
"Toast? Seriously, you sound like a shit boss" instead of replying the man leaned in to Kaida's ear
"Do you honestly think talking to your big brother like that is okay?"
That's when she lost it. Focus. She let go.

"Stop spewing shit crusty ass-" he presses a finger to her lips preventing her from speaking. "Why not just join us? Your quirk isn't exactly hero-like"
"Who gives a flying fuck what you have to say dust ball" she says as she tackles him to the ground burning holes into the revealed part of his eyes.
"See you're strong why not just-"
"I AM HERE" a voice bursts, the blue haired man's attention turned and all his focus was on him leaving Kaida in the middle of the battlefield.

As quick as lightning a battle had begun between the ugly bird and the number one hero, both as strong as each other struggling to do any sort of damage.
"I WILL HELP YOU" a approaching voice sounds, Kaida knew who it was, "IZUKU DONT YOU FUCKING DARE". Too late. He jumped in the battle like some invincible god while she shook her head disappointedly. "I'm coming goddamit!"

She flew right above the fight before growing and hardening the nails on her fingers, transforming them into talons. "TAKE THAT YOU UGLY ASS BIRD" she scratched and clawed from the back avoiding him with her wings at all costs. The bird screeched as the deep cuts healed like a papercut, "you've got to be shitting me" was all she said before the bird screeched and she blacked out, her consciousness fading away slowly...

•Chapter Nine Finished•
(eee sorry for the lack of updates, motivation isn't my friend rn but im back lads !!)

x.A Devil With White Wings.x~ Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now