X.I Hate You, I Love You, I Hate That I Love You.X

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•Chapter Four•

Unknown POV
In frustration I scrape my fingernails all over the skin of my neck as I try to come up with a foolproof plan that could help us beat All Might.

My thoughts were broken as a voice shouts,
"Oi! Quit that scratching the sounds goddam horrendous."
I give the owner of the voice a death stare as I face forward to lose myself again.
"You still tryna come up with a plan boss?" YET another annoying voice speaks.
"Just sto-"
"Of course he's tryna come up with a plan, you frog! I just hope he knows that if he's looking to catch either the boy or girl, he's not going to get very far" the voice from earlier speaks as he shrugs his shoulders as if we are out of options.

"You act like you know this girl so well, all the time constantly talking like you know her every move!"
"Maybe I do, or maybe it's just instinct, either way, I'm right" he retorts in a matter of fact tone.

"Honestly you take too much of my energy, I'm going up, and dont let the psycho follow me" I say as I look at the yellow-eyed maniac. (my waifu uWu)

I trudge upstairs, thankful that I'm finally able to think alone.
It took hours, but I finally had the idea, we'd have to wait for the right time, weaken their protection and reappear when their safety isn't there. Perfect.
All I need now is confirmation from my source, and the League Of Villains is set to cause some mayhem...
-Back to Kaida- Nobody's POV

Happily strutting down the street, Kaida was minding her own business, drowning herself in her first impressions of her new school. So many things crossed her mind but they all led back to that one boy, he seemed, let's say different, in a way Kaida didn't seem to know. She hated being kept in yet dark or not being able to see something as clearly as others can and when it came to the boy, hate was one word to describe her feelings.

He was rude, and obnoxious, completely reckless to say, everything about him just said 'DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!' She then once again drowned in thoughts and questions about him. And (no pun intended) speak of the devil, Katsuki is right there in front of her, acting like she doesn't exist as usual, one day of knowing him and Kaida already knows what the next few years of her life is going to be like.

"Oh hey weather boy", Kaida cheekily says as she catches up with the literal time bomb. A vein popped on his forehead as he turned his head to stare into the girls skull. "What in THE NAME OF ALL MIGHT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!" He exclaims as his signature spit yet again flies everywhere.
"That's as irrelevant as Jason Grace" (only a certain lad will know ;));));;))
"Who-" He was about to say as Kaida cuts him off.
"I didn't know we lived near each other Kit Kat, ooooo this means hanging out even more, right?" The girl excitedly says, acting like she's 5 years younger.

"First off, don't EVER call me Kit Kat" he spat out the nickname like a disease on his tongue. "And second, I'm definitely not hanging out with the likes of you", he says with a large amount of disgust in his tone. "Hmm, sure whatever you say, just don't ask me to fight your battles when you want Katsu", Kaida replies shrugging her shoulders. By this time, Katsuki had had enough of her cockiness and slammed her up agains the nearest wall.

"What are you gonna do to me Katsu~", the angel says as she looks into his eyes, trying to get a nervous reaction out of him. "UGH, WHAT UGH NO!", the boy says disgustedly, shaking his head trying to get bad thoughts out his head, "all I'm sayin is, stop acting all cocky OKAY!", the clearly frustrated boy shouts as he brings his arm down and continues walking away.

Kaida follows and stays silent, thinking of something to say that the boy won't take offence to.
"So, um, you live near me hmm?"
"Yeah" the boy huffs.
"What street?"
By this time the girl would just expect him to call her a stalker and walk off but to her surprise he says " Corn Street, house 12, you?"
"No way!"
"What?" He replies.
"I'm number 10!" As the girl said this Katsuki couldn't help but feel the realisation that he was going to be seeing the demon a lot more often than his sanity can take.

"Great isn't it!" Kaida says while thinking of all the things they can do to know each other better.
"Really?" Katsuki says in disbelief,
"What? It's great right?".
The boy chuckles slightly, "I hate to say it, but yeah"
At that moment the girls mouth hung open like a dumbass goldfish, "you mean it? But why, I literally thought I pissed you off to the point where your were gonna stab me"
"So your scared of me then huh?" He says in a mocking tone.

Katsuki then regretted mocking her as her hair started to change colour along with her eyes, " Take it back or I'm taking you to hell" Kaida's demon side says.
"Tch. Yeah kay whatever, I only agreed cuz I love to piss you off", he says half joking and half mentally thanking her that she didn't have a temper as bad as his own.

God, today was gonna be a longgg day.

•Chapter Four Finished•

(i wanna live on corn street dammit)

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