X.I'm Sorry I Didn't Kiss You, But It's All Because I Wanted To.X

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Thoughts are in italics, enjoy !!

•Chapter Twelve•

The next few months were full of catching up and working twice as hard, much to Kaida's dislike.

But as soon as she had completed her endless amount of work, she had one thing she wanted to do after. "OI SHOUTO!" She shouted to her left at the open door as she sat on her computer at her desk. The sound travelled to his room which led him straight to her. "What"
"Have you thought about seeing mom?"
"I was thinking of going actually", he said with a confused expression, "why?"
"Hmm can I tag along?" She asked looking up at his expressionless face.
"Yeah sure, I guess you haven't seen her in ages?"
"Yep pretty much".

The room slowly filled with silence before something showed up on her computer screen, "hey isn't the sports festival soon?" She said as she pointed to the article,


"Oh great" Shouto as he looked the screen, "the old man is going to be watching every move we make."
She sat in thought before replying, "I don't know about we". Her brother swiftly turned his head in confusion. "Recover Girl talked about my quirk still recovering after it nearly shut down because I was close to near-death. Basically, I don't know if I can compete.."
His eyes read disbelief, "oh. Do you feel weak still?"
"Nope, but I think I should take her advice" she said.
Shouto smiled and said, "well don't leave me by myself"
"I wont but don't hold it against me Shouto " Kaida said pointing her index at his smug face.
"Well just don't push yourself". He said as he walked out of her room and down the corridor.

Kaida thought about how she could convince Recovery Girl to let her join the Sports Festival.

(time skip to school ew)

School was mainly boring and Kaida was currently in Math, paying absolutely no attention to the useless equations. Her mind, however, was somewhere else, and so were her eyes. Why is he so alluring? God I hate him but I don't. She of course was talking about the boy himself, Katsuki. The past few days he's been on her mind and she loved and hated it in every way.

Though she didn't know, Kaida was on the exact same boys mind aswell.

Katsuki's POV

Why does she have to be so-
For fucks sake shut up!
No, she's the only girl I- I care about, wait I care about her?
But she cares about me it's only-
Nobody's POV

A book flung straight onto the boys spiky head.

"Pay attention young Bakugou, you will need this in your later life". Katsuki grunted in annoyance and looked down at his work.

"Pff like fuck we need pythagoras to be a hero", Katsuki turned to his right, seeing a girl with her arms crossed as she slouched on her chair irritated by the unsolvable problems. She huffed cutely and laid back in her chair. Katsuki looked forward to his teacher to make it look like he was paying attention but he loudly whispered "or is it because your so bad at math, idiot"
Her head slowly turned and the boys red eyes met her infuriated ones.

Kaida hissed quietly, "yOU- you fucking what"
Katsuki continued to look forward as he smirked and whispered back, "meet me after class behind the school, okay dumbass?"
She wiggles her eyebrows jokingly, "sure Katsu~"
The boy flicked his head towards her, "not like that shithead!"
Kaida looked unconvinced but agreed nonetheless.
What does he want? She thought to herself.

The school bell ringing was the best sound Kaida had heard all day as she swiftly packed her bag. Her brother stood there waiting but she looked up at him and said "hey go on without me, I'm meeting someone". Shouto's eyebrows raised and his eyes looked alarmed, "who?" His voice was shaky as he thought of one possibility. Was she really? Was she really meeting a villain?

Kaida patted his still figure on the shoulder, "Hey Shou don't look so worried, it's only Katsuki".
"O-oh, okay see you then" he waved and exited the class without a last word.

Weird. She thought to herself.

Kaida walked out the door and rushed straight to the back of the school, which was so goddam far away.

She was slightly panting as she reached the back of the building, to find a tall, angry figure leaning against the wall. Kaida walked up to him, still panting.

"Jeez dragon you need to exercise more." Katsuki said looking at her exhausted body.

"Yeah don't remind me for fucks sake," she said looking up at him, "what do you want anyway?"
That question made his face burn and his insides churn, (wheyy it rhymes). All of the girls attention was on him.

"I just wanted to say thanks." Kaida's eyebrows knitted as she said, "for what?". His face burnt more, "just- thanks for saving me back then okay? You didn't have to."

The girl smiled at the thought of Katsuki apologising so nicely. "Well yeah but you're my best friend duh"
"B-best friend?" Katsuki was lost for words, how does she even cope with me? He questioned.

"Yep! You're there for me and I'm there for you" she grinned happily as the hotheads face was no longer angry, more lost. "Sure"

Those were his last words before he walked off.

Sure? Kaida thought. Did he not believe her? Did he not feel the same? Her thoughts were racing and her head was hurting but-

All these thoughts were instantly stopped. Stopped so soon. By a hand. And a bag. And a mysterious person who captured her at the right moment...

•Chapter Twelve Finish•

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