X.I Wanna Be Alone, Alone With You, Does That Make Sense.X

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(the song isn't mine but i love it and dodie a lot after a v good friend recommended her,,, the song made me cri when i first heard it, so i put it here bc it's gna be a sad chapter)

•Chapter Ten•

"You stupid fuck... goddamit what did you do" he muttered. "Why are you so goddamn stupid" his voice filled with sadness. He forced his tears back as buried his head into her hospital bed, praying for a sign of life. "Please..." he said holding back tears, he couldn't show weakness in front of anyone, especially her. Yet, she was unconscious and was near death and how was he supposed to hold it together ?

The only person who puts up with him was laying in a hospital bed nearly dead and he was trying to hold it together ? Fuck that. He mentally said as water formed in his eyes, his vision of his only friend blurring. Soon before he knew it, tears were streaming down his cheeks as he shook his head in disbelief.

"You can't... you can't be gone... not that soon you idiot" shaking his head again, "too fucking young..."
"i never had time to say anything to you, to never tell you how good of a friend you were, how much I secretly cared for you, how I would do absolutely anything to be by your side, even when I told you I hate you, in my head I really meant that I-"

"That you what Katuski?". His eyes widened, staring in disbelief at the once unconscious girl who was now half awake with eyes staring into his.
"Well then hedgehog boy?" Katsuki couldn't even get angry at the nickname he was too busy trying to hold back tears that pricked his eyes. "Kaida-"
"Yeah dipshit I'm alive, am I gonna get a 'hello' or what?"
"You fuckin-" he started as she reached for his collar and pulled him into a hug which he returned back, both of them happily and sadly crying on each other.

"How the fuck did you come back alive- wait..."
"Don't you fucking dare Katsuki"
"We are so calling you zombie from now on" he laughed as happy tears fell down his face.
Her eyes flared red before returning back to normal as she huffed and crossed her arms pouting her lips. "Katsuki I really like and hate you at the same time"

"But seriously zombie, how did you manage"
"I may be short but i am pretty tough you hoe"
He shrugged his shoulders, "seems fair"
"Has anyone else been here?" Kaida asked.
"Well Icyhot bitch came and his mom, brother and sister, the old hag came with my dad, smelly broccoli came along with the whole class, apart from Mineta, he wasn't allowed in"
"The worst part is that even with all those nicknames, I know who you're talking about" she says as she looks to her side.

Kaida chuckled happily as she peered over to the desk on her left spotting all the cards and letter and notes with gifts and chocolates, everyone did so much for her and she was glad to know people did care about her.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts as the nurse had come in to announce that visiting times were over. "Oh and before I forget, you will be discharged tomorrow morning. That's all, goodnight" and with that she closed the door as she left.

"See ya bomb boy" she spoke while waiving with her intact arm, "yeah yeah see you zombie, call me if you need anything"
"Bitch I have one hand how dare you-"
"Haha I know, but I did all the homework for you and notes so you owe me big time" Katsuki spoke with a devilish grin.
"I was going to say thank you, but now I'm not. Fuck you." Kaida said as she displayed her glorious middle finger in his ugly face.
"Yeah yeah, see you tomorrow"
"Heh, you too". Then she was left alone, in her own thoughts, thinking what tomorrow would be like.
"I look like.... what's the word" Kaida says while looking in the mirror.
"Awful?, a mess?" Came a voice walking down the corridor. Kaida walked into the hallway to see her brother in his uniform casually leaning against the wall waiting for her, per usual.
"Shouto believe me when I say this, you are a bitch, a B, I, C, T, H", she sassily says as she turns back around in her gown.
"Kaida you didn't even spell it righ-"
The girl turned back around to reply, "I did it for the clout Shouto get it right. Ugh."

He rolled his heterochromatic eyes at her normal behaviour as she shut her door to undress.

"hEY WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN TODAY?!" Kaida shouted from behind the door.
"From what is saw everyone has really missed their favourite classmate." Emphasis on the 'favourite' as he knew some of them hated her for unknown reasons, like Momo which was pretty weird.
"Dang Shouto don't remind me that I have enemies"
He shrugged his shoulders as they walked down the stairs, "it's what brothers are for." She chuckled and ruffled his once neat hair.

And with that they exited the house ready to start school.

•Chapter Ten Finished•

(i acc love momo but i had to give kaida an enemy yknow, also i made another vine reference smh)

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