X.I'm Nuts, Baby I'm Mad, The Craziest Friend That You've Ever Had.X

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•Chapter Eleven•

"Okay but real shit, I feel scared"
"Why, it's only our class"
"Yeah exactly" Kaida huffed as she walked down the path to the doors with Shouto by her side.

They walked down the corridor until they met with the door, the girls hand was trembling on the handle but that didn't stop her from pushing the handle down to be met with... confetti??

It all went so fast, the rainfall of coloured paper, the happy shouts of her friends, the hugs, she could faint. "SURPRISE! MY LIL DEMON HOE!" A girl screamed as a huge hug tackled her. "Mina oh my god what is this?"
"A surprise get well soon crackhead party"
"I- what for?"
"We all fucking missed you! You've been gone for a month do you honestly think that we would just say welcome back, you know me dragon" she whined.
"How did I even get to the hospital I blacked out after I got hit"

Mina awkwardly laughed as she rubbed the back of her head, "funny story after you got hit you didn't turn unconscious.... you um kinda.... um went sicko mode..."
"I went physco basically"
"You could say that yeah..."
"Shit fuck" Kaida huffed, she hated when it happened because people thought she was unstable and dangerous but in fact it was just the overuse of her quirk that did it. "What did I do?"
She hesitated at first, "Well, your wings grew larger and spikier and you just flew around the giant bird scratching it and cutting it until All Might finished it off. Then you went over to the shadow man who was attacking Katsuki and you just killed him in one swift movement, your a bad bitch dragon"
"Holy shit- but who got me to the hospital."
"Katsuki duh, he was so protective of you it was so cute"
Kaida blushed profusely, "man that's embarrassing"
she spoke covering her face with one hand.
"What! Of course not, you two would make such a great couple. Oh- imagine the childre-"
"Mina that's enough, holy shit"
"Hmm whatever, he does look like the type that would fuck you sensless.."
The pink girl shrugged her shoulders "Don't lie to yourself Kaida, you're thinking it too" she teased further. "Tch whatever Area 51 reject". Mina's eyes widened as she faked looking hurt, "how dare you insult my bloodline dragon-"

"Actually her name is zombie now" a voice echoed from behind Mina. Both the girls eyes darted behind them and soon enough she was hugging the owner of the voice while he confusedly looked down at her. "Fuckface you saved my life and never mentioned it"
"I- who- you're fucking welcome jeez" he stuttered as he looked at the ceiling.
She deepened the hug further enjoying every moment of his flustered attitude but as expected of Katsuki, she was pushed away from his still figure. She laughed at him and then turned when she heard multiple voices shout,
"MY BABIES AAA!" The girl screamed as she lunges straight at the three boys, or more commonly called Sero, Kami and Kiri, her three sons, as she calls them. "Do you know how much the group missed you! Don't ever go away for that long" Denki started.
Sero continued ,"Because of you we were bored shitless Kaida".
"Guys let's respect Kaida, she almost died, in my opinion that is the manliest thing ever." Kiri said with his toothy smile. Kaida pretended to tear up dramatically with a happy "my manly bros" she took them into a hug with her in the middle.

Sero spoke up again with a serious tone, "deadass Kaida, Katsuki was going kinda mental, it's like he missed you like fucking crazy. J-just don't tell him I said that."
"Yoo Sero you're right, i was wondering why he was acting angry- well, angrier then usual" Kaminari stated. Kaida chuckled slightly and shrugged her shoulders, "guess I just have that effect on people huh?"

"Sit down in your seats please I'm too tired to tell you again" the voice of their teacher sounded.
"See you later dudes"
"Yeah you too zombie"
"Oh fuck Katsuki told you about the name didn't he"
She did the 'we irritated' face and remembered to punch him later while she was sitting down. Ready to start the day, with a whole month of work to catch up on.... fun.

•Chapter Eleven Finished•

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