X.I've Got A List Of Names And Yours Is In Red, Underlined.X

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•Chapter Three•

Today was the day.
The first day of school at UA.

Kaida couldn't hold it in, she was sure Shouto was the same but he doesn't show cuz he's an antisocial bitc-. Of course Kaida was joking she loves Shouto like family and wouldn't let him go for the world.

Kaida (for once) combed her hair neatly tucked behind her ears, applied studded earrings and her signature thumb ring that looked like it had a knot tied into it, the ring was the only thing she has from her brother left and intends to protect it.

time skip because describing breakfast is not my forte

Shouto's POV

We were both on our way to our first day of school, as the sunlight shines quite bright for a morning. Kaida had a spring in her step which was quite rare to see. The girl I'd learned to call my sister was not much of a 'show your emotions' type, in fact she was closed off to strangers for a long period perhaps she didn't want her heart to hurt again or she didn't want a secret to get out, the second one is one of the many things I could relate to as I have one secret I am building up to tell Kaida one day.

As our legs pull up to the gates of the school I hear a familiar sigh to my left, I look over to see Kaida's eyes wide with happiness as she smiles to herself as the light bathes her face in warmth.

She turned to look at me and was about to say something until I heard a 'ngh' sound. Next thing I know the demon girl is shouting uncontrollably.

"HEY YOU HUGE-", was all I heard until I swiftly brought a hand up to my adopted sisters mouth to prevent her from finishing her unholy sentence.

She turns her head violently to be face to face with a boy who has the spikiest blonde hair ever, crimson glowing eyes with murder written on them, and a devilish snarl that would give someone a heart attack.

But not Kaida, she was almost used to idiots like him, she wasn't going to be having a heart attack anytime soon.

Nobody's POV

"WHAT WERE YOU GONNA CALL ME, STUPID GIRL?!", the explosive boy screamed, spit flying and all.
Kaida wipes her face and said in disgust, "Goddamit, didn't know it was raining today, I would've brought my umbrella if I knew" she retorted knowing fully well it would piss him off.
"WHY DONT YOU SAY THAT TO MY-", his sentence didn't finish as Kaida's hair turned a dark purple and her eyes gleamed redder than the boys.

Shouto knew all to well what she was capable of, and forcing someone to stop talking was only the beginning. "Hmm, thats much quieter isn't it? Hell! I wouldn't be surprised if your quirk was to give people headaches" she spoke as she dramatically put a hand to her forehead, " How bout we start off again, hmm?" She calmly whispered to the silenced boy.

"I'm Kaida Himura, and you are?"
The boy struggled and grunted due to his inability to stay quiet for long, she inactivated her power on him and he took a deep sigh, "Katsuki Bakugou, and no dumb girl, my quirk isn't giving idiots like you headaches"
"Could've fooled me" she retorted crossing her arms and smirking. "You've gotta LOT of nerve, yknow that!". The girl simply took it as a compliment and faked being captivated by his loving words.
"Tch, whatever you extra, get outta my way." He said pushing past her.

She happily sighed "Well, that was fun! Where's our class then?"
Shouto just stared at her in disbelief as she starts to happily strut off like nothing happened. Her now-purple hair flips over her left shoulder as she turns her head back to look at him expectedly. He snaps out his amazement and follows her down the drive and into the school...

•Chapter Three Finished•

x.A Devil With White Wings.x~ Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now