X.I, Dont Like Your Perfect Crime, How You Laugh When You Lie.X

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•Chapter Six•

(kaida is replacing lil iida for this practical, im sorry sonic 😔🤘)

Kaida lightly hit Katsuki on the shoulder as she tries to tell him to look on the bright side.

He looks over to her and gives her a smirk, but no ordinary smirk, it wasn't a menacing smirk, more of a, ugh fine, she couldn't lie to herself, the smirk was hOT AS FUCK. She felt her face heat as he flexed his muscle ready for his 'battle' against his 'enemy', Deku.

Kaida gathered her hormones back together and activated her angel form and flew up to the floor where the bomb was with ease, all while carrying a 15-year-old teenage boy who was acting like a cat and trying to claw his way out of being carried somewhere. The angel landed with ease and dropped the boy down on both two feet.

His cheeks rose in pink as he shouts at the girl, telling her to 'warn' him next time, pfft he's so terrified right now, Kaida mentally says as she chuckles to herself in amusement. "WHATS SO FUNNY HUH?", the boys voice shouts, breaking her train of thought about the pink on his cheeks.
"Thinking about how you suck as a human being"
She retorts, he growls at her and storms off, the half-demon girl stood there in astonishment realising he backed down from a fight (for once at least).

Katsuki's POV
I couldn't argue with her while she's wearing that costume, I wasn't thinking straight because all I could focus on were her- UGH, SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DICKHEAD, SHES A COCKY BITCH YOU SHOULDNT FALL FOR HER, Wait? I'm falling for her aren't I? Shit. I was cursed I swear, I don't want her but at the same time I want her to be mine. But she likes that half and half idiot, surely, yeah yeah she does, no I'm convincing myself now, ugh I hate this already, she doesn't even like me back, what why should I care about her? Ugh I'm going to throw my head into a wall I swear to go-

Katsuki was snapped out of his thoughts as Kaida walked towards him, keeping up with his fast pace with ease, "So you have a plan Blasty?"
The nickname, instead of making me want to kill her, made my face heat at the thought of her giving nicknames, the girl snapped me out of my thoughts my waving in front of my face, she asked curiously, "you good, you seem kinda, I dunno, distant?"
"Yeah I'm fine stop worrying about me you female half and half idiot"
She hummed in response and carried on asking about the plan.
"I'm gonna kILL THAT GREEN USELESS DEKU!" I state, she looks at me in amusement "oh yeah? And what am I gonna do huh?"
"You protect the bomb idiot! What else do you think your gonna do huh? You think your special?"
"What. The. Fuck" is all that comes out her mouth as she walks off to the bomb muttering something about how he's so self centred.

Nobody's POV

Katsuki followed Kaida to the bomb am delayed until they were allowed to start.
"Just do what you want and I'm going for stupid Deku" Katsuki says as he storms off to go find the green haired cinnamon roll.

Kaida raised a hand to her head in exhaustion and muttered to herself "oh lord give me strength to deal with that selfish idiot"

let's just skip the actual battle cuz im absolutely terrible at describing and i legit forgot what happened in this episode cuz im watching other shit im sorry lads

Kaida was walking back to the changing room, completely exhausted from the 'light practical'.

A hand tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to be met with a yellow-haired boy, Kaminari obviously. He wore a cheeky grin as  Kaida questioned "you okay?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine it's just I want to say that your hero costume is like really nice" he says as he winks. Kaida stares at the hormonal teenager, and not just any stare, a full on death stare.

"You think huh?" She says, he nods nervously in agreement, terrified for what's about to come. "Wanna see what else it can do apart from look really nice?", the yellow haired boy hesitated then nodded slightly, curious about what was going to happen. Kaida placed her right hand in front of her with the index and middle finger raised side by side.

The girls hand glowed in purple as the hem of the skirt on her outfit flared out harshly in purple flames, immediately scaring Kaminari away. Kaida laughed at his retreating figure as she turned around to be touching noses with her favourite person.

He of course, was the explosive boy himself.

•Chapter Six Finished•
(all im saying is incest is not for the wincest yet blasty thinks kaida likes her brother smh)

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