X. Just Stop Your Crying, It'll Be Alright.X

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•Chapter Fourteen•

Droplets fell heavily from the sky as Katsuki made his way to school, it was just a normal day, nothing special yet he felt as if something had changed, as if today was in fact no normal day.

The water speckled his cold face while his mind was preoccupied with thoughts about what it was, what made him feel weird inside, made him feel as if he'd lost something. Someone. Somewhere. Maybe.

After a few strides, he reached his school gates, already wishing the gloomy day was over as he trudged down the dark and wet concrete that blended perfectly with the foggy surroundings of the bitter morning.

Walking through the the entrance, Katsuki was hit with warmer air, encouraging him to take off his hood. The boy carried on striding down the corridor at normal pace while he went through his messages he'd missed.

New Message:

•Dragon Idiot.
Last seen: Yesterday at 16:47


•hey don't forget about the date this saturday, don't forget to pick me up moron 😤😤

Sent: 16:47
Oh shit, he thought.

He forgot about the date he had to take Kaida on, all because of that stupid bet.

The boy scrolled through the rest of his messages, all of them being less important than the one he'd received from Kaida.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel a certain way when it came to her. A smile graced his face whenever he was with her, or whenever he saw a text from her, like knowing she cared about him made him feel happier, every-time.

The boy walked to class, with a seemingly happier mood.

However, little did he know, his whole word was about to fall apart.


It was called a choice, yet he was pretty much forcing Kaida to join, join the League Of Villains, a group full of potentially dangerous threats.

"So if I say no?.."
The light-blue haired man just smirked, his red eyes were gazing into her own, intimidating her ever so slightly, "you know you can't say no Kaida, why fight it?"

Hopelessness washes over her as he pressured the girl farther, "I don't want to join, final!" She growled, standing up from her chair with impact causing it to fall to the ground, she stepped closer to him in an intimidating stance.

Shigaraki, the blue-haired man, scowled angrily as he also stepped closer to the girl, analysing her every feature and her potential future actions in these next few minutes. "Kaida, you don't have a choice..."

He grinned again while turning his back away, the girl hated having no freedom, being in a cage, locked out, locked away from her friends, her family. Her face turned sullen as it dawned on her that she has no choice, she can't escape. The hopeless look on Kaida's face was all Shigaraki needed to know about what she was going to say, it made him slightly laugh.

"Fine... I guess I'll join", the girl mumbles, not raising her head once to look at her new boss.

The villain clasped his hands together, "excellent" he started, "I have a feeling, that you are going to like it here". This causes Kaida to look up into his eyes, was there some secret meaning behind that?

x.A Devil With White Wings.x~ Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now