Chapter 2: uncovered

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It was dark, cold, and wet. It was the abyss, an abyss that could trap anybody and bring fear into them just by staying in it for one second. And not only that, Cinder was still alive! Although, she felt weak after being frozen. She opened her lone eye and saw the danger she was in. She activated her Maiden power and got to the surface, gasping for breath right after. Due to being too weak, Cinder had to crawl her way out of the water. She tried using her Maiden power to make fir form from her hand, but she could not do it. Cinder bashed her Grimm hand down in anger, making a crack form in the wall in front of her. Cinder then saw that she had no other choice and punched the wall down with her Grimm hand.

Cinder, now on two feet, walked out of the cave that she was supposedly trapped in. Of course, she was still too weak, resulting in her falling down on her front.

"Gods, are you okay?" A villager asked Cinder. "Where did you-"

The villager soon gasped as she saw Cinder's Grimm arm, making her drop her basket full of food as well. She clapped her hands over her mouth as Cinder glared at her, using her Maiden powers once again.


"We need to take the relic to Atlas?" Ruby asked.

"That's what Oz said" Qrow replied, making everyone turn to Paikris and Weiss.

"You have got to be joking" Weiss groaned.

"Son of a bitch" Paikris sighed.

"I mean, bright side, we finally get out of this house" Nora optimised, making Weiss and Paikris sigh in anger.

"Well trust me, I'm not crazy about it either" Qrow said. "And without the Spring Maiden here to seal the relic back in its vault, it's our best option"

"Atlas May be the safest kingdom we have at the moment, but their borders are closed" Ren informed. "General Ironwood called everyone back"

"Eh, not everyone" Qrow corrected with straight face. "The city of Argus is a ways north of us and it's the primary trading port between Anima and Solitas. They've got the largest Atlas military base outside of the kingdom. There's no way they'd leave it abandoned, and if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort is straight to Ironwood"

"I mean we do have the missing Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company" Blake added, referring to Weiss. That was until...

"Ex-heiress actually" Weiss corrected.

"True, true" Yang agreed. "But if there's a chance of reward money, I say we go for it"

"That's gambling, but I'm feeling lucky" Jotaro smirked.

"Hopefully the first option will suffice" Oscar joined into the conversation. It looked to be Ozpin was the one in control right now.

"Glad to see you feeling better" Qrow said.

"Not just him" Pyrrha stepped out behind Oscar. She was not wearing any armour yet, but she looked batter than when Jaune brought her aura back.

"How are you feeling?" Jaune asked.

"Fine. A bit shunned, but fine" Pyrrha answered, taking a seat next to Jaune.

"Likewise, Qrow" Ozpin replied. "And while I'm sure we could all use more time to recover, I'm afraid time is of the essence"

"Right, as long as that thing's out in the open it's power could fall into the wrong hands" Blake explained.

"Speaking of, what does it do exactly?" Jaune asked.

"Of course" Ozpin nodded, grabbing the relic from this trousers. "The relic of knowledge has a wonderful, and incredibly dangerous ability. It's user can ask any question, and the lamp will provide an answer"

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