Chapter 13: Our way

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It was the dead of night. A huge airship landed in an open field of the forest as the engines roared loudly. The double doors soon opened to reveal Neo using her semblance to look like a Mistral officer. She was then seen to be wearing a new outfit. She dropped the smart attire and turned to something more... revealing. She still had the pink, black and white colour scheme, along with wearing Roman's hat.

Cinder then came out of the woods, wearing new clothes as well. She had a new eyepatch as all she wore now appeared to be black. She had a cloth that covered her Grimm arm as her normal arm was visible. She then looked at the airship and thought that was was good enough.

"It'll get us to Solitas" she said. "After that, you might want to try materialising yourself some snow boots"

Neo just rolled her eyes as Cinder made her way towards the airship, but Neo stopped her in her tracks by holding her hand out. Neo then placed her hand on the airship, revealing that it was not an airship at all, it was a bullhead! Neo then dropped her semblance, allowing the disguise of the airship to blanket the bullhead as she panted in exhaustion. Neo then snapped her fingers, allowing Cinder to walk towards it again.

"You know, Neo, someone once asked me if I believed in destiny" Cinder pulled her signature smirk as she climbed on board. "And I'll be happy to say, I still do"

At Argus...

Ships were flying around the newfound Leviathan Grimm as it stalked its way towards Argus. The Leviathan did not appreciate the offence that it was taking and dived under the water, slithering like a water snake right after.

"All units be advised, Leviathan-class Grimm has submerged but is still on approach" An air unit announced. "Preparing hard light shields, over!"

"We're getting slammed by hostiles out here!" A pilot shouted. "Where is Cordovin?" "This is your fault!" Cordovin accused the heroes. "Do you hear me?"

"Ruby!" Everyone then turned to see Yang, Jotaro, Roaul, and Blake in the distance. "Guys!" Ruby ran up to the four with concern. "Are you okay?"

The four hunters then saw the damage that had been dealt to Cordovin's mech. It was still having trouble getting up as it was still being held down by the cannon.

"What happened?" Blake asked. The Leviathan then screamed in the distance, alarming everyone the second it did.

"Was that a Giant Grimm?" Yang asked.

"Yes, and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it" Weiss answered with a stern glare. Paikris then came out of the trees, still tired after his fight. "Paikris! There you are!"

"Sorry I'm late" Paikris said. "I had to deal with a past enemy of mine"

Everyone then got into the ship as Cordovin still tried to get her mech free. But it was still not working.

"This is your fault! Your fault!" Cordovin screamed.

"Ma'am, what's your status? We need an answer, over" a pilot asked. Cordovin still blames the heroes as her mood changed to sadness.

"I'm so sorry" Blake apologised for not doing her job. "Don't be" Yang reassured. "This isn't on you" "She's right" Roaul agreed.


"You're safe, that's all the matters" Ruby joined, kneeling down to Blake's level. Blake then hugged Ruby in reassurance as Yang gave Ruby a smile, in which she returned.

"I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it" Maria interrupted the happy reunion. "Getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority. And right now, we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this"

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