Chapter 7: the Grimm reaper

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The sound of a sword filled the air as both Cinder and Neo were in the vault of the Spring Maiden. Neo looked at the evidence in front of her as Cinder was just sitting on a rock.

"Now you understand" Cinder sighed, swinging her sword a bit. "I've got to get the relic before it can be secured in Atlas. It's the only way that Salem..."

Cinder interrupted herself, sighing at the mention of Salem. "It's the only way WE can accomplish our goal"

Neo looked back at Cinder with a stare. A stare that only Cinder knew so well.

"You're not the only one who wants Ruby dead" Cinder frowned, gripping her sword tighter. "But unfortunately, Salem does not feel the same way"

Neo then put her umbrella over her shoulder and walked up to Cinder, who continued to talk.

"I've been instructed not to kill her" Cinder set her sword alight, melting it in the process until it looked like wavy paper. "But you... you have no such orders. You can do as you please"

Cinder then incinerated the metal and got up from the rock. Seeing Neo again was a shocker. How she managed to survive being blown away from the ship, she would never know.

"Help me get to Atlas. Help me find her. And the rest is up to you" Cinder explained. Neo lost her smirk, thinking about what this deal with Cinder would hold. But... if killing Ruby was the benefit of it all, then it would certainly benefit both of them. Neo regained her smirk and shook Cinder's hand. They officially had a deal.

Somewhere else...

A fairly aged woman was walking across a creaky bridge. The environment she was in appeared to be nothing but fog and mountains. The woman had a cloak on, along with some sort of skull mask. Suddenly, a huge Nevermore screeched as it charged for the woman. However, she proved to be more than just a regular citizen. She got two scythes out and threw one into the Nevermore's wing. She then used some kind of gravitational pull from the scythes to save her from falling to her death. The woman then used her scythes to make the Nevermore crash land onto some rock. Talk about taming a wild animal.

However, the fight was not over yet. The Nevermore knocked the scythe out of the woman's hand, leaving her defenceless. The Nevermore was about to go in for the kill, but the woman's eyes soon lit up, turning the Nevermore into stone. She had silver eyes! But who was this woman? The Nevermore faded into dust as the woman grabbed her scythes, but soon blocked a bullet coming her way. Now there was more trouble as three people walked up to the woman.

"Well, that's a fancy trick now, innit?" A British accent asked from behind. The woman turned to see another woman, who looked to be some sort of crocodile Faunus. "'Fraid it comes with a price, though, love"

"I don't think you realise who I am" The woman said.

"'Course I do" the Faunus grinned with her prosthetic, metal teeth. She grabbed a clock from her pocket and wound the hands to a specific time. "You're the Grimm Reaper. And these are the last sixty seconds of your life"

The Faunus then activated her clock as she grinned menacingly. A lime-green aura soon took over her as the ticking from the clock was the only thing that could be heard. Soon enough, the battle commenced. The reaper blocked the Faunus' attacks and the henchmen's bullets with extreme reflexes. The reaper made short work of the henchmen, but the Faunus was an added challenge

than all three of them combined. The Faunus also seemed to not take any damage from the woman's attacks. The reaper then saw that she was in trouble and quickly connected her scythes together, making them form into a single double-bladed weapon. After taking care of the henchmen again, the reaper soon moved onto the Faunus, but the Faunus' teeth broke the scythes in one motion. The Faunus then broke the mask of the reaper, revealing the beauty of her face, but the Faunus then slashed her eyes, taking them out. The reaper screamed in agony as she held her eye sockets, which had blood coming out of them. The clock soon rung and the Faunus grinned at her victory.

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