Chapter 5: the coming storm

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"Do you have my information?" Cinder questioned. She was back with Lil' Miss Malachite, wondering if she had a lead on where her enemies were. However, she did not know that Malachite already had the information.

"Of course I do, darling" Malachite smirked. "Lil' Miss always delivers. Although, I can't promise you'll be pleased"

Cinder just narrowed her eyes down at Malachite as she heard her information spill.

"Word is they were seen boarding the Argus Limited a few weeks back. While that isn't exactly far from here, Argus is rarely a destination for folks. Chances are they'll be going straight to-"

"Atlas" Cinder finished. Cinder then had all the proof she needed, turning away from Malachite and walking away. Malachite squinted her eyes as Cinder started to leave.

"You know, you turned out to be quite the interesting customer" Malachite smirked. And what she said next surprised Cinder by a substantial amount. "Cinder"

Cinder stopped in her tracks and turned to face Malachite, who sat in her chair with a smirk on her face.

"It's not often a single client brings me double the business" Malachite tapped her smoke on a pot, allowing the leftover ashes to fall in. Cinder then heard a creak up above her and looked in the direction of the sound. And as if today held anymore surprises, this one was REALLY surprising. The same pink and brown hair and umbrella was unmistakable. The white clothing, the boots, the coat. And the same smile. Cinder already knew who it was.

"Wait" Cinder gasped. Could it be? It was! The one and only girl the have an umbrella and a mixture of hair and eye colour. Neopolitan was right in front of her. "Neo?"

"Maybe put away the good glasses" Malachite told one of her guards. Neo then instantly lost her smile and replaced it with anger, charging for Cinder. Cinder was shocked at Neo's actions towards her.

"What are you doing?" Cinder asked. Neo, being the mute she was, just smiled again and attacked. Cinder barely dodged her attacks, almost forgetting how skilled Neo was in combat. Cinder has her feet up against a table where Malachite was. Cinder's hood was now down as she pushed Neo off of her, knowing that it was now her turn to attack. Neo managed to dodge with ease, as she always could, but still got hit one time. Cinder and Neo soon landed on a bar table and Neo was the first to attack. She launched bowls at Cinder with her umbrella, distracting the Fall Maiden and making her vulnerable.

Cinder knew that her time for going easy was over. She let go of the bowl and used every part of agility she had, hitting Neo a couple of times and soon jumped off of the ceiling, slamming her fist down onto Neo who just barely missed it. Malachite soon decided that enough was enough.

"That's enough, ladies!" She shouted. "I love dinner and a show, but it's time to take it outside"

And so... Cinder and Neo did take their fight outside. They crashed through a window, but Neo's body soon bursted into crystal. Cinder smirked at Neo's semblance.

"Nice trick" Cinder smirked, getting up on her feet. "You've gotten stronger. So have I"

Cinder then threw a fireball at Neo, not even looking at where she was aiming. Neo managed to block it with her umbrella, obviously taking into account that Neo's umbrella was extremely strong. Neo removed her umbrella from her face, revealing that her clothes are torn, but not only

that, she was wearing Roman's hat. Neo did not have a happy look on her face as she opened her eyes and glared at Cinder.

"I don't have time for your misplaced blame, girl" Cinder frowned. "I didn't kill your boss. If you want revenge, take it up with 'Little Red.' The detective's already been dealt with"

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