Chapter 4: so that's how it is

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"Salem can't be killed" Yang gasped. "You all heard her too, right?"

"Yeah... yeah, we did" Jotaro blinked. Everyone looked down at Oscar, who was currently having Ozpin in control. He tried to speak, but Yang interrupted him with an angry tone.

"There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?"

"Professor..." Ruby called, making Ozpin look up at the young huntress. "What is your plan to defeat Salem?"

Ozpin was crying tears from Oscar's eyes as he sighed in shame. What he said next was definitely unexpected, especially coming from Ozpin.

"I... don't have one"

Qrow, full of rage at Ozpin, shouted in anger as he punched Ozpin right into a tree. The impact was so great, the tree creaked a little, and snow fell from the leaves.

"No one wanted me" Qrow began. "I was cursed. I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good"

"But, you are" Ozpin reassured, but Ozpin ignored and kept talking... "Meeting you was the worst luck of my life"

Qrow's sentence shocked Ozpin to the core, but he understood why Qrow was angry. Maybe he was right. There was SO much that he kept from everyone, even his closest associates.

"Maybe you're right" Ozpin sighed, making his eyes light up. Oscar was now back in control, holding the place of where Qrow punched him.

"What happened?" Ruby asked. "He's... gone" Oscar breathed.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me" Jotaro growled, but that was nothing compared to what Yang screamed next.

"That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!"

"Whoa... Yang" Jotaro stepped back a bit at Yang's language. He had never seen her like this, and yet, he knew why. "I... I..."

"I'm sorry" Yang sighed sadly.

"No" Oscar firmly replied. "This is different. He's gone. It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. OUR head!"

Oscar held his head in pain and anger. "I hate this! I want it to stop!" "He just left us?" Weiss asked.

"That coward!" Paikris grit his sharp teeth.

"What are we gonna do now?" Blake fearfully blinked.

"I don't know" Roaul quickly answered. Yang and Jotaro did not even bother to ask anything and just growled instead.

"Enough!" Surprisingly, Maria stepped up as she walked towards everyone. "We need to get a move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity!"

Maria help Oscar up with her cane and pointed in another direction. "There's a trail over there. Trails usually lead somewhere"

"Lady, I don't know who you think you are but-"

Maria slammed her cane down into the snow and silenced Yang. "No, buts! I understand that you're upset. Honestly, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the cold!"

It was silent for a moment, but Ruby broke it soon after.

"She's right. Come on"

Everyone grabbed their belongings, along with some extra equipment, and soon headed off to the trail that Maria was talking about. Ruby handed Oscar his cane, who looked very frightened at the truth about Ozpin.

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