Chapter 3: the lost fable

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A puff of turquoise smoke instantly showed the heroes, Salem, locked in a tower as Jinn started to narrate.

"Locked away by her cruel father, Salem was a girl who desired but one thing: freedom. She lived in a time when kings and their kingdoms were plentiful, when men and women were capable of greatness, and magic was a gift from the gods that all could wield. And yet, there she sat within her tower"

Salem sat down next to her vanity as she casted all kinds of colourful magic from just the plan of her hand. Another puff of smoke, and the scene changed to the outside of the castle.

"Until one day, a legendary hero came to brave the challenges within the tower's walls"

Qrow walked up to 'hero', who was wielding a sceptre of some kind and definitely looked legendary with his set of armour and cape.

"The people of the lands knew him... as Ozma"

Qrow waved his hand in front of Ozma, but his hand phased through as he walked to the tower.

"Unlike those who had come before, this warrior was not driven by the prize of the young maiden's hand. He fought only for righteousness. And his pure heart and courageous soul prevailed"

Another puff of smoke showed Ozma to have beaten everything that the tower had to offer. With his sceptre, Ozma made a huge green light appear from it as he took out a monster in his way. Another transition from the smoke, and it showed Ozma reaching Salem's room. Salem stood up and smiled at the hero.

"They escaped the wretched fortress, and yet, something bound them together"

Ozma and Salem were now shown to be outside, holding hands whilst escaping the castle.

"Ozma had been ready to give his life for justice countless times, but now saw a woman worth saving it for. And Salem, to her surprise, found her freedom not in the outside world she had yearned for, but in the eyes of the man that had saved her"

"So, where should we go now?" Salem asked; her voice was sweet and innocent before she was who she was today.

"Wherever you'd like" Ozma answered. Surprisingly enough, he sounded almost like Oscar.

"The two fell deeply in love, planned adventures around the world, and lived happily ever after. Or at least that's what should have been. Ozma, the infallible hero of legend, fell ill. And where all of the bests and blades of the world had felled short, a single sickness prevailed"

Weiss and Paikris saw Ozma in his bed, eyes closed, no movement. Ozma then disappeared in another puff of smoke. Salem, however, held his sceptre as she cried endless tears. Weiss and Paikris knew a familiar situation that Salem was in. Ruby lost Amity to a sickness as well.

"How could the gods let this happen?" Salem asked herself sadly.

"The gods, brothers of light and darkness, creation and destruction. Salem prayed they would see the injustice that had befallen her love and make things right"

A huge light was formed two little orbs of yellow and purple, revealing an incredible palace of some kind when the light died down. Gold was mostly noticeable in the area.

"The Domain of Light was a sacred place"

Salem placed flowers down on the stairs as she still had Ozma's sceptre in her possession.

"It was here the elder brother dwelled beside his fountain of life and creation. It was here where mankind would fall to ruin"

A few moments later, it was shown that a huge mass of water was just behind the steps of the stairs. It did not look much like a fountain, but it certainly looked like something only a god could hold. Salem walked towards the fountain as a light started to form from it. And in that moment, a golden humanoid figure with antlers rose from the water. It was the God of light. Watching the God walked towards her on the water, Salem got to her knees.

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