Chapter 11: lady in the shoe

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"You're joking, right?" Weiss doubted Ruby's commands. Was Ruby serious? "You want to fight this thing?"

"We've fought giant monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady" Ruby then back at Cordovin. "With one very big robot"

"You little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way into Atlas?" Cordovin asked. "Well, let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Military"

Cordovin then extended the robot's right arm again. This time, a missile came out and homed in on the ship that Maria was flying, but it exploded midway. Cordovin saw that Ruby destroyed the missiles before it could reach the ship. Growling in frustration, Cordovin knew the decision that the heroes had made.

"So be it" She shouted, making a blue light emit from the right arm.

"Dive!" Weiss ordered, taking her seatbelt off. Maria dived the ship right next to the heroes, and before Cordovin to freeze everyone, Weiss made a huge rock wall appear from the ground, blocking the ice and saving everyone.

"That was close" Oscar sighed, but he was right, talk about a close call.

"We need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airship until we do" Ruby said. "Then let's give her more targets to focus on" Jaune added.

"You mean us, don't you?" Nora asked, not happy at the idea that Jaune had.

"Look at that thing" Jaune reinforced his point by pointing at the mech. "It's not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters. We can turn our size into an advantage. We just have to be smart"

"Right behind you" Pyrrha smiled.

"Maria, can you keep the ship out of harm's way?" Ruby asked.

"They can take my driver's license, but I won't let them take this ship" Maria answered.

"Very reassuring" Ren sarcastically said.

"I'll be more useful if I go with her" Oscar planned. "From up high, I can try to spot a weakness"

"Well, he's not the only one who can grab a bird's eye view" Qrow smirked, making everyone know what he was talking about.

"You said you needed me on the ground?" Weiss asked.

"Not exactly" Ruby nervously grinned. Cordovin thought that she had rid of the heroes, well, least she did until the smoke disappeared, revealing the rock wall that Weiss made. Her eyes widened in shock as everyone split up. Ruby the. Used her semblance to get high up into the air and shoot at the window that Cordovin was looking through, making a crack. Cordorvin had had enough of the games and sent multiple missiles at Ruby, who dodged them all with her semblance as she fell down off of the cliff and onto the ice ramp that Weiss made. Weiss then made platforms of ice on the water for her and Ruby to jump on. Cordorvin then felt her mech get hurt on the left side.

"Hey! Over here!" Jaune shouted.

"What?" Cordovin could not believe that everyone was managing to get hits off of her right now.

"And you said it wasn't beach season" Nora smirked as JNPR made their way behind individual snow hills. Nora then sent more grenades Cordovin's way, but she blocked them with a force field that came from the mech's left hand. Cordovin laughed at the attempt Nora made.

"Surely you knew Atlas was the father of Hard-Light Dust, or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education?" Cordovin rhetorically asked as she shot out another form of Dust from the mech's right arm. JNPR ran away as Jaune was almost it with the Dust.

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