Chapter 6: alone in the woods

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The broken moon was glowing in the fixed black sky. Ruby was currently sitting on a staircase as she saw her team and Team JPR sitting near the fire. Oscar was pacing around the room as Maria was just calmly sitting on the couch. Ruby got up from her seat and walked over to Qrow, who was also sitting peacefully, but the look on his face showed otherwise.

"Storm's cleared up for now" he informed. "We should be able to leave by morning" 

"That's good" Ruby acknowledged. But still, Qrow was doubtful.

"No" he quietly protested. "I don't have a good feeling about this place. Especially with me around"

Ruby knew that Qrow was talking about his semblance. If he was around, what kind of bad luck was going to happen?

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked with concern.

"Sure" Qrow scoffed and faked a smile. "Tell everyone to get some sleep. I'll wake you guys up just before sunrise"

Ruby left the room, but just before she did, Qrow drunk out of an alcohol BOTTLE. He would usually do it in a flask, but with everything that has happened, Qrow had become more in grief and regret. This made Ruby's concern only grow more.

"It's a diary?" Oscar asked Maria, who was looking at a book.

"The head of this household, Bartleby" Maria answered. "Apparently he and several other families founded this little settlement to try and live on their own. It sounds like it worked, at least for a spell"

"Grimm?" Oscar guessed.

"Just one of many hardships" Maria replied, still examining the words of the book to continue her explanation. "Slowed down their farming, made everything harder. It's a shame, really. He seemed like quite the ambitious fellow. Always thinking of new schemes to overcome the odds"

"Hey, guys" Ruby came into the room, interrupting Maria's explanation the second she walked in. "Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early tomorrow"

"Thank goodness" Blake sighed as everyone got up from their seating positions. Maria was the last one to get onto her feet.

"The last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do" Maria said with quite an attitude. "'Go to bed'"

Maria sat down on an individual chair and turned a lamp on, still reading the book of the householder. Ruby just shrugged and headed off to bed herself. She knew there was no way of getting Maria to get some sleep after what she just said.

The next day...

The sun replaced the moon as it was shining in the sky. Right away, everyone made their first mistake: they woke up AFTER sunrise. Qrow dropped an empty bottle of alcohol onto the floor, waking Ruby up instantly and also making her scream a little. She held her head as she got up onto her feet and opened the curtains soon after.

"Close the window" Weiss groaned.

"We're trying to sleep" Paikris grunted. "No one interrupts my sleeping"

Ruby made her way over to Qrow, who was passed out and most certainly drunk. "Uncle Qrow?" Ruby said, shaking Qrow. "Uncle Qrow, get up!"

"Leave me alone" Qrow blurted out.

"We overslept" Ruby said, but Qrow simply pushed Ruby out of the way. Ruby then held the bottle that Qrow dropped and decided that enough was enough. She threw the bottle at a wall with force, causing a CRASH! and waking Qrow up.

RWBY and APRJ: volume 6Where stories live. Discover now