Chapter 8: dead end

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Team RWBY and JPR were at the gate of which they were sealed out from. Yang was currently shaking the gate in frustration.

"C'mon! You didn't even hear us out!" She yelled at the guards. But, of course, they did not listen to Yang's point.

"Our orders are clear! The Mistral-Atlas border is closed!" Guard #1 informed. "Please..." Guard #2 started.

"Have a good day!" Both guards shouted together.


"A good day!" The guards shouted again. Jotaro had steam coming out of his nose, making everyone know already that he was angry with the current situation they were in. If the guards would not move an inch away, then what would they do?

"Hey, if you don't wanna believe that I'm friends with Ironwood-"

"General Ironwood!" The guards corrected Qrow. Jotaro then leaned towards Paikris.

"Okay, two questions" Jotaro whispered. "One: Atlas is very picky about titles, aren't they? Two: How are they not acknowledging that you're an Andreas?"

"Hell if I know" Paikris shook his head in confusion. Why were they not noticing that an Andreas was in front of them?

"Yeah, 'General Ironwood', then fine" Qrow frowned, tired of the guards already. "But look, we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home safely"

The two guards looked at each in silence. It was as if they were consulting telepathically. "Approach!"

Weiss was confused at the guards' command, but she soon walked up to the gate, as did the guards. They both bent down to further examine Weiss, making her feel uncomfortable.

"They look like chickens right now" Roaul joked.

"Very well! You may speak with our commanding officer. We will fetch her at once" Guard #1 informed; that was before they both walked off in a marching manner. They also chanted 'hup- hup-hup' and 'Atlas!'.

"Hey! Only I can do that!" Jotaro whined. "Besides, it's not 'hup-hup-hup', it's 'whoop-whoop- whoop'"

Jotaro then marched funny while chanting his version, until her was stopped by Roaul.

"Jo, just stop" He sighed, making Jotaro stand up straight and normal again.

"They were kind of-"

"Super weird?" Ruby finished Blake's sentence, even though that was probably not what Blake was going to say. "Huh, yeah"

"Hmmm" Maria hummed. 'Commanding Officer', huh?

"What's wrong?" Oscar asked.

"Well, I may know this commanding officer" Maria answered. Although, her tone made it sound like that was not a good thing.

"That's good isn't it?" Ruby questioned. "If she's your friend, then maybe she'd be more willing to help us"

"I wouldn't exactly call us... 'friends'" Maria replied slowly. "Acquaintances?" Weiss guessed.

"Not quite" Maria answered.

"Colleagues?" Blake tried to guess too.

"Warmer" Maria said.

"Enemies?" Now Yang tried.

"Yes! That's the one!" Maria confirmed.

"What?!" Oscar gasped. Now there was another problem to attend to.

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