~ Chapter 5 ~

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Sitting in my small office, I ordered on the computer a number of metal tubes with different measurements. I also ordered another three electrical pliers because they keep breaking them somehow and some more electrical tape. I also asked for a pack of wire connectors. There were no requests today for a new tool or material, so I just got everything they were running out of.

I deleted the tab after hitting enter and moved to a new one. They assigned me to describe some sort of gun, except it did not look like a gun. They wrote some bullet points of what it could do, but I needed to write out of it a paragraph. I tried to focus on it, but my head was swimming. My stomach was not anymore satisfied by that one chicken nugget I fed it. Placing my head into my hands, I regretted not eating more of Ned's food. My fast metabolism was a real curse sometimes. I had to eat double or triple the size of a normal person's calorie intake. However, I ate far less than that. I doubted that I even made it to half one person's calorie intake.

I told myself to go to get some food, so I stood up but felt a bit woozy. Keeping my hand on the wall beside me to keep myself from falling, I made my way to the elevator and clicked the button.

"Peter, how's it going?" Shawna asked, skipping over from her workplace to me.

"Uh...um." A drop of sweat rolled down my forehead. "Everything's good. I'm just getting some fresh air from being cooped up in the office."

"Ah yes. You'll get used to it. We all do. Do you like your office room, though?" She asked.

"It's great. Has a great view to... to the other building beside us."

"Shawna! Is this what you needed?" A person shouted across the room, holding up some tool.

Her hand went to her mouth. "Oh my god, Sam! I love you so much right now!" She said as she sprinted away from me, me being quickly forgotten.

As soon as the elevator pinged, I got in. The elevator doors closed after I pressed '1'.

As the elevator descended, someone said, "You seem to be facing the first symptoms of starvation. You must feel weak and woozy. Would you like me to call an ambulance?"

"What? Who are you?" I looked around the elevator despite knowing that no one was in here with me.

"I am called Friday, an AI that was designed by Tony Stark, owner of Stark Tower as well as the founder of-"

"Yes, yes I know who he is. And no, please do not call an ambulance." I just needed to get to a grocery store or a kiosk. Somewhere with food.

"Would you like me to call the lobby instead?"


"Would you like me to call-"

"I said no."

"Would you like me to call Stark?"

"What? No, of course not," I snorted. I felt the elevator stop moving down and lift up instead. "Um, where are you taking me?"

"I am bringing you to the commons room. There are some protein snacks there that you can receive nutrition from." She would just not give up, would she? Too weak to speak anymore, I let her take me up. Putting my back to the elevator walls, I slid down until I was sitting, wrapping my arms around me.

Friday noticed my weakness, "I can call for assistance in case you cannot walk, so that-"

"No." I breathed. The more she spoke, the greater my head hurt. Finally, the elevator doors opened.

Friday started, "This is-"

"Please be quiet," I pleaded, not trying to be rude, but my head really hurt. She stayed faithfully silent as I pulled myself up and hobbled into the room. There was a huge couch that could seat around twelve people with a TV that was the size of a screen you would only see in the theaters. There was a step from this living room to a kitchen and a large dining table beside it.

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