~ Chapter 38 ~

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Hey guys,

I just wanted to check in with you. First of all, thank you so much for all of your advice from Chapter 36. Some of your recommended to do Just Dance, which is when I remembered I had a PS3 game which is called Singstar where you can dance, so I have spent my days awkwardly dancing in front of my TV as my mom watches me unimpressed by the side. I also started Chloe Ting's workouts (have done so five days soon and am definitely planning to continue). She is awesome. I love her so much. 

Regarding TV shows, I am pretty much set for life with your recommendations. Now, whenever I want to start another TV show, I have your comments to go back through. I've already finished one of your recommendations- The Good Place, all four season of it. It was so good!!!! Would 10/10 recommend. I believe Brooklyn 99 is up next because it was on many people's comments. 

These are just some of the advice I've started to implement into my quarantining life, so thank you so much!!! You guys were really helpful. :) Right now, I am far from bored. I always have something to do, and days pass by really fast. 

How are you guys fairing in this world? I hope all of you are doing well!

Stay home, safe, and healthy,


The Avengers, the ones who were sitting in the living room which included Tony, Natasha, Clint, Thor, and Bruce, all simultaneously frowned at Ned's statement. They were all quiet for a moment, trying to decide if they had heard him right.

"Are you, um, okay?" Bruce braved to ask. "Do we need to get you anything?"

"I'm good." Ned flashed him a thumbs up. "Thanks. I think it was the burrito that I ate earlier today." 

My cheeks reddened at his situation. Ned was right. This was pretty embarrassing.

I clapped, trying to get their attention away from... that. "Anyways. What have you guys been up to?"

Before they could respond, Pepper stepped into the room. "Dinner's ready." 

Steve emerged from the kitchen wearing an apron that said, 'Flippin' Awesome'. "We made homemade hamburgers." 

"Hell yes! I love hamburgers!" Clint sped from the couch, the competition that built around the Game of Life long forgotten. He was the first one on his seat by the dining table. 

"What a child." Natasha snorted with a small smirk on her lips and took her time to stand up and moved to the dining room. 

Mr. Stark walked to Pepper and murmured something into her ear. I quickly talked over their words to Ned as I didn't want to hear whatever he was privately saying to her with my enhanced hearing. 

"Ned, you're joining us, right?" I asked Ned. 

Steve heard my question. "Of course Ned will be joining us."

"Oh, that's okay." I could feel Ned was a bit uncomfortable as he wasn't as accustomed to being surrounded by the Avengers. I knew he wanted to be with us, but he wasn't sure if Steve was saying that just as a common courtesy. "I should be getting home anyways soon."

"Nonsense. You can stay and eat with us." Steve gestured to the table. 

At his insistence, Ned grinned. "Oh my god, yes! I'd love to! I mean," he coughed, "Thank you. I appreciate it." Steve gave him a small smile.

We sat down at the table with the others. Light banter filled the room as everything went back to normal. I relaxed. I loved the environment they had here, the supportive relationships, and how no one tried to hurt each other. Everyone was trying to have a fun, enjoyable time, together. 

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