~ Chapter 10 ~

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"So May's been like that for the past years?" Ned asked, referring to my aunt's behavior.

I shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. It became worse as time went on, though."

"But why? Why does she do it?" I knew why. Uncle Ben's death broke her heart and mine at the same time. But it was my fault. I was the one to carry the guilt around me. It stuck to my heart, reminding me of my mistake each beat. Never-ending. I knew I would have it until the day I die, until the day my heart would stop pumping. I hated talking about it. I hated talking about Uncle Ben's death because it rose hatred against myself in me. I remembered the funeral. I remembered people coming to me, telling me to talk about it because it would get better. It only got worse. It only made me hate myself even more. How many times can you say it was your fault until you break?

"Ned... I don't want to talk about it anymore," I closed off, looking down at my sneakers that were barely held together. I had to use duct tape to keep the sole attached to the shoe.

We halted before a street crossing, waiting with a couple of other people before the light flicked back to green. Quietly, we passed it and continued walking.

"I want to tell you something." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty side-way street.

"What is it?" I asked him as we stopped, and he turned to look at me.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for everything you've gone through."

"It's not your fault, Ned." It's mine, and it will only be mine.

"I know, but I still want you to know that you don't deserve any of this. You're too much of a good kid."

I paused, then nodded. "Thanks, Ned." I knew he truly meant it, but that's just because he didn't know the full story. He wouldn't be saying that if he knew everything.

I felt my spidey sense tingle, so I quickly pushed Ned behind a couple of trash cans and joined him.

"Um, Peter? What's going on?" He asked, looking around.

I shushed him, "Be quiet for a moment." I heard footsteps walk on the sidewalk we had been on the moment before. Grabbing Ned's shoulder, I forced him to crouch and duck down. He was about to say something, but I placed a finger on my lips.

"It's done," A deep male voice said, "Gary has agreed to the deal."

A long pause. "Yeah, I know. When's the next?"

A short pause. "That soon?"

Another pause. "Okay, just inform Zenon that Gary is with us."

I considered my options. This was a one-time opportunity to find out more about this Zenon thing and the bixons that I had yet to look at. If I missed it, who knew if I would ever run into this again? My eyes shifted to a confused Ned. He would find out who I was, though.

Did I trust him?


Was I ready for him to learn about me being Spider-man?

No. But it was bound to happen, whether I was ready or not. He's trustworthy, I reminded myself.

And this, whatever this was, I knew that it was more important than trying not to reveal my identity to Ned.

"Ned," I whispered, "There's another thing I haven't told you about. I'll explain later. I need to do something now, alright? Stay here." He tilted his head at me but finally nodded. I snagged my Spider-man mask out of my backpack and pulled it on.

His mouth hung open. "Oh. My. God. You're the Spider-man." Before he could say anything else, I was gone.

"Okay, talk to you later." The guy ended the call.

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