~ Chapter 40 ~

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I know what you're thinking.


Yes, surprise, surprise, I'm still alive, just have been busy with deciding on which college to go to (was a very difficult decision for me, but I'm very happy with my choice :) ), occupied with tons of work, and studying for my AP exams. 

Just wanted to let you know, if you guys want to tell me something, text me via messages/inbox/wattpad texting (whatever you call it) because I currently have 800+ notifications to read through, so that will take me a while and I may wait on that. 

You've waited long enough, so here you go.

Chapter 40!!

As I swung around New York City, I noticed that people were really excited to see me. Apparently, if Spider-man doesn't show up for a couple of days, there's a big commotion once he's back. Kids pulled out their phones and took a video of me to share on social media, crazy fangirls screeched in excitement as I gave them a thumbs-up, and people shouted greetings at me while I passed by.

I found a roof on an abandoned warehouse that gave me the privacy that I sorely needed. I scanned it to make sure it had no cameras but enough space to fit all of the Avengers and me. Now, I just had to pray that they wouldn't try to beat me up as soon as they saw me and would instead give me a chance to speak.

I sat on the edge of the roof, dangling my legs. For the average person, this would probably be a terrible idea because falling would mean broken bones, but I could swing my way out of the situation.

After becoming restless, I stood up and started pacing. What if they gave up on trying to find Spider-man's identity and wouldn't even come? I mean, it has been twenty minutes already. Or worse, what if they got really mad at me for keeping this from them for so long? How enraged would they be? Would they be so mad that-

I took a deep breath. Stop it, Peter, I told myself. It would be fine. Just fine. Everything's going to be fine. Trust them.

I clenched my fists in an effort to get ahold of the nerves as I inhaled the polluted air of New York City. The government officials should really work on pollution regulations, especially with climate change going on.

"Spider-man!" I heard someone say behind me, and I jumped. How did I not hear them? How did my spidey-sense not warn me?

I turned around and spotted Mr. Stark, Steve, Clint, Thor, and Natasha, all in their suits and standing around ten yards away from me. Bruce was missing, but I supposed the show would have to go on, and he would have to find out later.

"New suit. Quite the upgrade, huh?" Mr. Stark noted. 

"Y-yeah," I said nervously. This just became real, and my heartbeat nearly beat its way out of my chest. I did NOT think this through! I didn't even rehearse how I would tell them! Oh my god, I'm so unprepared! This is going to go so wrong. This is going to be terri-

"We need to talk to you," Steve said. Talk to me? Instead of fight me? Well, I guess they aren't actively trying to kill me, so maybe they were trying to do the try-to-gain-his-trust-by-talking-to-him-so-that-he-will-give-his-identity-up strategy, and if that didn't work they would fight me again.

I tilted my head and nodded, urging him to go on. Why not hear them out? Besides, this allowed me to stall.

Mr. Stark's face went uncovered as the helmet drew back into his suit, "We wanted to say sorry." If I were drinking tea right now, I would have immediately spat it out from surprise. They wanted to say sorry? For what? He continued, "We... " He sighed. "Well, it got out of hand. We shouldn't have attacked you like that, even if we got orders to find out your identity. We shouldn't have blindly followed the boss's orders."

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