~ Chapter 30 ~

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First of all, I would like to apologize for this late update. Sorry!! I was scheduled to work 14 hours the weekend and couldn't find time to write between studying for tests and doing homework in the time that was left. 

Secondly, here's the update!

We're going to smooth out some of the edges in this chapter. :)

I don't want to keep you from reading the chapter, so run loose..... or more like read loose. 😉 


My brow furrowed as I looked to the person in the seat beside me. "What are you doing here?" MJ never seemed like a troublemaker, but here she was, seating next to me during detention. She paused her sketching and lifted her head.

Her face was blank, giving me no hint of her emotions. "I'm drawing. Practice makes perfect, you know?" MJ then continued shading with her pencil as if that response explained everything.

"Why don't you just practice drawing at home?" I took out my homework to get something done during this time.

"Where else am I going to find people in crisis to sketch?" She asked as if the answer was obvious, her eyes not moving from the page. My mouth opened to respond, and then I closed it, deciding that I'll just have to take that answer, whether it made sense to me or not. Shrugging, which I quickly regretted as it shifted my broken ribs, I opened my notebook and was about to start my homework when I heard Cap's voice. 

"So, you got detention. You screwed up," Captain America continued talking as I rose my eyebrow at the TV screen that the teacher had set up in the front. The side of my mouth twitched up when I thought about sharing the PSAs with the rest of the Avengers. What would they say, seeing him like that? That would sure make some of them double over with laughter, especially Clint. 

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focus on the homework in front of me. Calculus. What a fun mental stimulator. Huffing, I started writing down the answers, my head gaining pain as I worked through the problems. It was probably a bad idea to do Calculus homework when I apparently had a concussion, according to the one and only Friday, but homework had to be done. At least the cut on my head was only a scrape now. It looked like I had a cat that got a swipe at me, drawing a line across my temple. 

By the end of the detention, I was left with a completed homework assignment and a migraine. I gathered my stuff and slung my backpack on my shoulder, causing my ribs to protest. I ignored the pain.  

"Look, I drew you," MJ said, showing me a drawing in her sketchbook. My mouth parted when I recognized myself. 

"You drew this?" My hand reached out, and I lightly touched the paper. I was in awe. I didn't know she was such a good artist. 

"No, the president did," she paused and then rolled her eyes with a small smirk on her lips, "Yes, of course I drew this." I couldn't help but snort at her response. The pain I had lessened as I saw her smile back at me.

I admired it. "Well, it's really good!"

"Thanks," MJ said when we were both in the hallway, "I have to go that way." She pointed to the left. Her hair fell in her face, and she pushed it behind her ear.

"I need to go right," I said, feeling disappointed that we would have to leave in separate directions, "So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later, loser." And with that, she turned on her heel and strode down the hallway. I was confused with my feelings but decided to shrug it off. It's nothing, I told myself. Turning, I started walking in the direction of the Southern exit of the school. I'm sure Mr. Stark or Happy would be waiting for me outside in the front. 

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