~ Chapter 12 ~

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Tony had ordered us Chinese take-out, and now we were hungrily gobbling it all down. Actually, it was pretty much me eating it quickly while Tony looked at me with a curious expression and taking bites here and there. I couldn't help myself. I was just so hungry. I hadn't really eaten anything since yesterday besides a french fry today.

Tony asked me, "Did you eat lunch at school?"

"Uh... yes," I lied, unless a french fry counted.

"What about breakfast?"

"Yep, I ate breakfast as well," I continued to lie.


"Of course, with my Aunt May. We always have dinner together."

"Okay." He frowned but went back to his own food.

We continued eating the food which is about the time I remembered what had happened yesterday. Friday had told him I was starving and malnourished. He probably realized I was lying. Uh oh. An intern shouldn't lie, especially to Tony freaking Stark. He was going to kick me out now. I started biting my lip from worry until I tasted the sharp metallic taste of blood enter my mouth.

"Would you like to join us for dinner today?" He offered, surprising me.

"Dinner?" I squeaked.

He nodded. "Yeah. I think Steve will be there as well as Nat and Clint. Bruce probably as well, if we can pull him out of the lab. Wanda isn't here, neither is Vision or Thor. You know, they come and go as they please."

"I would, Mr. Stark, but I have to go to work," I explained. Mr. Delmar would have my head if I wasn't there yet again.

His brow furrowed. "Is it possible to give someone else your shift for today? Or I can just pay you for any hours you'll miss."

My own eyebrows jumped. "Mis-Mister Stark. I can't. Mr. Delmar would fire me if I missed another shift or came late to one of mine. I'm sorry, but I really can't."

"Okay, when are your working hours?"

"Five to eight pm, Monday to Friday. I have the weekend free for homework and the like," I explained.

"How much do you get paid?" I could almost see the gears turn around in Mr. Stark's head. He was up to something.

"Minimum wage."

"Huh. Okay, I have an offer for you. Rather than go to your job, stay a couple of hours more here from Monday to Friday. If you need time to do your homework, I can let you do that as well. We'll cover the food as well. And I'll pay you double for your hours."

My chopsticks fell out of my hand as I gaped at him. "Seriously?"

He smiled at my reaction. "Yeah, if that works with you."

"If that works with me? Definitely! I'd love to!" I laughed in joy. Finally some good news!

"By one condition, though," he paused and I looked at him with wide eyes. "You start today." I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.

"Okay! I'll have to call Mr. Delmar later to tell him. And I guess I can then stay for dinner tonight, if that is alright with you?" I asked, even though he was the person who offered in the first place. I just wanted to make sure that it was still okay for me to come. Maybe he changed his mind...

"Yeah, of course." He looked up when we heard voices nearing us. "Oh, looks like you'll meet Clint and Natasha."

"What?" I gasped. "But-but I'm wet because of the sprinkler system. They'll think I'm-"

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