~ Chapter 41 ~

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(If you usually skip the author's notes, read this one.)

Hey everyone,

Let's start with the good news:

This chapter is 2800 WORDS!!!!! Wow. I think this is the longest chapter yet.

Now, for the bad news, this is the second-last chapter. The next update will be the last one. I'M NOT CRYING 🤧🤧🤧 YOU'RE CRYING!

My baby has all grown up! That's crazyyyy.

On another note, I just wanted to see your opinion.

- Clint x Natasha


- Steve x Natasha


- Bruce x Natasha


- ______ x Natasha

Personally, I felt like the way Marvel did it with Bruce x Natasha, it felt kind of forced. 

Comment which one you think is the best ship, or come up with your own!

Personally, I like Steve x Natasha. :)

Anyways, I'll stop talking now so you can read the chapter.


Breeze/Nicky (<-- it's my nickname)

Bruce stood there, mouth hanging wide open in pure shock as I revealed my secret to him. Actually, I didn't say anything, just peeled off the mask in front of him.  We had just exited the quinjet, so everyone besides Bruce was standing behind me, watching Bruce's reaction.

"You're not going to Hulk out, are you?" Clint asked, walking over to Bruce from behind me and poking Bruce's cheek with a finger. For some reason, I had a feeling that Clint wanted him to Hulk out, even though that would mean big trouble for us. 

He snapped his mouth shut and raised his eyebrows at Clint. "Of course not. I'm just... surprised, very surprised."

Thor made his way over to Bruce and slung his arm over his shoulders. "But a good surprised, I'm sure!"

Bruce patted Thor's arm. "Of course. Of course." Thor broadly grinned, and Bruce turned his attention back to me. "Well, at least now your previous injuries make sense, and now we know why you've been... a little bit secretive."

I rubbed the nape of my neck and sent him a shy smile. "Yeah, sorry about that. I needed to fully trust you guys before revealing my identity."

Bruce smiled and nodded, understanding that they had earned my trust. "It's okay. I'm glad you trust us now."

There was a couple of seconds of silence before Clint clapped his hands together, shattering the calm. "Excellent bonding. Can we go eat food now?" Talking about food, I realized I was actually pretty hungry.

I heard Tony sigh and looked back to see him rolling his eyes. "Is food the only thing on your mind, Clint?"

Clint tilted his head as he mulled over the question, as if this was some kind of moral question that needed to be analyzed in every way before coming to a conclusion. He lifted up a finger. "Food and fun."

"Let's have some fun in the gym then, huh?" Natasha smiled at Clint, but it was a dangerous smile. I honestly felt scared for Clint at the moment. The glint in her eyes told me there would be nothing fun in what she had planned. 

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