~ Chapter 42 ~

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Hi everyone, 

This chapter is the grand finale, which is why it is a whopping 3800 words! I am currently planning to write bonus chapter(s). Someone has asked if there would be a sequel. Currently, there is not a sequel planned. HOWEVER, there MAY be a book coming out with Peter as a side character. 

On another note, I'd like to thank my readers!!!! Your comments either make me laugh, give me inspiration, or make me feel creeped out (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Thank you all for giving me a chance and reading this book :))

For other people considering to write a book, DO IT! RIGHT NOW!

Some quick tips:

- Personally, I like books that have correct grammar and spelling. It makes for a cleaner look and an easier way to understand.

- Start somewhere, and go off from there! This book was first planned to be 20 chapters. We saw how that worked out... You can plan as much as you want, but when you start writing, more ideas will come to you, and you will likely change trajectory, and that's okay!

- Finally, don't stop writing! If you write a couple of chapters, and the book doesn't blow up, that's okay! That's normal! Keep at it, and don't give up!

That's it for now, guys.

I hope you enjoy the chapter, one last time :')

See you around,


The next morning, after breakfast, Ned and MJ came to visit me. MJ had her backpack slung over one shoulder as she and Ned followed me to the elevator.  

They hadn't told me they were coming. In fact, I had been in my room, wasting away time by playing with my phone, downloading different apps, deleting the ones I didn't like, and keeping the ones that I liked when Friday told me that MJ and Ned were in the lobby.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." I clicked the button on the elevator that would stop at the floor with my room.

Ned smiled at me. "It was a surprise."

"Are you surprised?" MJ asked, smirking at me. 

"Uh, maybe?" I said, unsure with her eyes on mine. I had never really noticed how pretty her eyes were. There was this caramel hue to its dark brown that sucked you in. After she quirked her eyebrow, I jolted, breaking our gaze, and added, "Yeah. I think so. Surprise is something we feel when something unexpected happens. I didn't expect you guys to come to visit me here so I should feel surprised as I had no prior knowledge to your arrival because you didn't tell-"

A smile broke out on MJ's face. "We got it, Peter."

"Right." I nodded and lead them out of the elevator and to my room, and her gaze landed on my bed. Ned already had been in my room, so he wasted no time throwing himself onto my bed, lying down and sighing in content. The mattress was incredibly comfortable, no lie there. 

I rubbed the nape of my neck as I felt the familiar heat rise on my cheeks, seeing MJ study my Iron-man themed bedsheets. I explained, "Mr. Stark chose those for me."

"I like them."

My eyes widened. "Really, you do? I mean, yeah. I like them as well. They're pretty cool." I shrugged as I leaned back to what I thought was the wall. Apparently, I was farther than I thought I was, so I nearly tumbled to the floor. Luckily, my fall was broken by my hand grabbing the desk right next to me.

MJ frowned at my clumsiness, and I smiled back shyly.

What was happening to me?

"Nice view," she noted, looking out of my window.

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