~ Chapter 37 ~

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"Peter is fine, blood-wise. It must have been a bit longer ago than two hours as Peter remembers it to be, but it's common to be confused after a concussion. And they probably took less than Peter remembers as his body wouldn't be in that good of shape so quickly if that were true." That was one way to explain my Spider-man healing, I decided, hearing the doctor talk. Obviously, she didn't know I was Spider-man and was trying to explain this with common-sense reasoning. 

Mr. Stark seemed relieved at the news, slightly relaxing beside the typical hospital bed I was in. Even though I told them multiple times I didn't need a bed since waking up, they were too stubborn and did not relent. May was in another room, getting checked by the doctor, and the Avengers (except of Steve and Clint who were taking care of the crime scene) were huddled around me.

"Okay, so what do we do about the concussion?" Mr. Stark asked. I was glad I didn't have to do a blood transfusion because that alone sounded uncomfortable. 

She explained, "Well, he'll need to rest for a week at least. I would restrict the amount of time on electronics such as TV and video games, and no sports so if you're an athletic type person you're going to have to hold off a bit quite a lot for the first week. After that, you can begin to slowly go back to your normal routine. If you're getting a migraine, maybe it's time to go back to your bed. It really depends on how you personally feel. Don't push yourself to do something if you don't have the energy to do it."

I couldn't understand how perfectly calm she was. I mean, if I was the doctor surrounded by the Avengers, as we were right now, all crowded in one room, I would for sure be tripping over my words and mumbling. But there the doctor was, seemingly unbothered by the fact that she was surrounded by famous awesome heroes. That lack of anxiety must be helpful as a doctor.

Mr. Stark asked me, "Peter. Hey, Peter, are you listening?" 

I blinked, realizing that everyone's attention was on me. "What's up?"

"Maybe he should stay here for another day." Mr. Stark turned back around to the doctor. 

My brain made the connection that they were asking me if I wanted to stay here for another day. "What? No, please. Let's just go home. It'd be a better place for me... to rest."

"Are you sure?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, positive." I nodded too fast, making me wince. I hoped that no one noticed, but they were all watching me with a suspicious eye, so I assumed I didn't fool them.

"Fine," Mr. Stark said, agreeing though he did not seem happy with it, "But, no TV, no video games, and no phone."

I frowned. "I don't have a phone."

"Oh crap, you're right." Mr. Stark gaped, cupping his mouth with his hand. "We'll have to change that, and very soon." 

I was about to intervene with that statement, but Natasha beat me to it. "Maybe not that soon as he does have a concussion right now." I was going to refuse a new phone, but I guess that could work for now before I came up with a good reason why he shouldn't be buying me every single thing I need and don't need. 

"Oh right." Mr. Stark nodded in agreement. "Later then."

I opened my mouth to object, but the doctor spoke first, "Great. Well, that's all for today. If he is getting worse or have any other problems, please feel free to reach out to me." 

"Will do, doc." Thor tried to suppress his laughter but it boomed out of him, causing him to go into a laughing fit. "That's what you guys say here, right? Doc. Get it? It's short for doctor."

Bruce looked at the floor and sighed before patting Thor on the shoulder. "It's really hilarious, Thor. Excellent joke."

Thor smiled broadly. "I'm glad you liked it, Banner! Wait, does that mean I can call you doc, too? Because you have, how many was it? Oh right, seven PhDs!"

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