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Younghoon was walking around his family's house wondering where Chanhee had gone off to. It was the day that his mother had asked Chanhee to come over for dinner when only family members would be there.

The last he'd seen him, Chanhee had been talking to his grandmother, so he assumed that they had probably gone for a walk in the gardens or something. His grandmother loved to show people her flowers. Dinner had already finished so he decided to go and spend some time with his mother and sister.

Indeed, Chanhee was in the gardens with Younghoon's grandmother. She was an elderly woman, maybe in her 70s-80s, and she used a wheelchair.

When the two were going up a slight slope in the garden, Chanhee offered to push the wheelchair from behind but she stopped him.

"That's very polite of you dear, but I can do it. If I wanted to be lazy I could've bought one of those fancy electric wheelchairs." She laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize my dear, you were only trying to help."

They carried on walking for a while.

"I must say, your dress is quite lovely. Did my grandson buy it for you?"

In fact, Younghoon had bought him another dress. Three other dresses to be precise. He figured that if they were going to be keeping this act up for a while, then Chanhee needed to have more than one outfit or his mother would smell a rat.

The dress Chanhee was currently wearing was a light blue summer dress that went down to just below his knees. It had flower patterns on it too. Chanhee would be lying if he said he didn't like it.

"Yes, he did." he answered.

"I thought so. With the amount of time that boy spends staring at you he's bound to know exactly what suits you."

"He stares at me?" Chanhee asked.

"Well, I'll admit I haven't spent much time with the both of you, but during the time that I have, he hasn't been able to keep his eyes off of you."

Chanhee couldn't help blushing. He knew it was part of the act, but somewhere deep down, a small part of him hoped that maybe it wasn't.

"Chanhee dear," She said, coming to a halt. Chanhee turned to face her. "You're a beautiful girl, with such a sweet personality. You're practically all a man wants, and I must say my grandson is clearly head over heels for you."

Chanhee just nodded.

"I know he can he stubborn at times, and might not tell you it as often as he should, but he loves you. I can see it in the way he looks at you."

The blush on Chanhee's cheeks got bigger.

"...And from your reaction to that, I can tell that you do too." She smiled.

They turned and started making their way back to the house.

"You'll make a good wife." Younghoon's grandmother said.

Chanhee froze. Then she started laughing.

"...I'm only joking dear, you shouldn't rush into things. Live your life while you're young. I married at 20 and I've regretted it ever since." She leaned closer to him to whisper. "And - keep this between you and me - but no matter how much his mother pressures you two about getting married, don't mind her. All she wants is a grandchild to carry on the family name." She chuckled to herself. "I suspect you two will have 'done the deed' anyway by now, that's the norm these days."

Chanhee nearly choked on air.

"Don't be so uptight dear, I'm only teasing you. I know you don't want to talk about these things with an old soul like me."

They soon reached the house again and went together to the living room where Younghoon was sitting with his mother and sister.

"Ah, Chanhee darling, come sit." Mrs. Kim said, patting the space next to her. Chanhee walked over and sat down with her.

"We were just talking about how nice it'd be if you came along to Jangmi's birthday celebrations in Taiwan. The guest list is already full but I'm sure the airline will make room on the flight for you... for a little extra money of course." She laughed.

"When's your birthday?" Chanhee asked Younghoon's sister, Jangmi.

"In a month or so. We'll be staying in Taiwan for 2 nights."

"Guys, she can't decide right now, just give her some time to think and I'll tell you whether or not she's coming later." Younghoon said.

Chanhee smiled at him. Younghoon understood that this was totally not what Chanhee had signed up for. Spending a couple hours with his family was one thing, but going all the way to Taiwan with them for a weekend was completely different.

"Okay then darling. You know Chanhee, we own our own resort over there, it has a private beach and everything. Although I'm sure you're used to that since your family probably owns similar places in Europe." Mrs. Kim said.

"Oh, yes, they do." Chanhee replied nervously.

"I'd love to visit sometime. Perhaps one of them would be a great place for a wedding reception." She said, winking at Younghoon.

"Mom!" Younghoon exclaimed.

"What? You've been together for a few years, surely you'll be thinking of it sometime soon?"

"Leave them be dear." Younghoon's grandmother butted in. "Things have changed, people aren't so quick to marry these days. Don't you wish you would've lived your life a bit before you settled down?"

Mrs. Kim sighed.

"I suppose."

"We'd better be going, mom." Younghoon said. "It's getting late."

"Oh, alright then. See you soon!" she waved as Younghoon and Chanhee got up to leave.

During the car ride back to campus, Younghoon decided to reassure Chanhee about the whole Taiwan situation.

"You don't have to come you know. I can just say you weren't feeling well enough or something. I know its a lot to ask from you-"

"I'd quite like to come actually." Chanhee said.


"Yeah. I've never been to Taiwan before. I've never even been outside of Korea before."

"Well then if you want to that's great! I uhh... I actually did want you to come but I didn't want to pressure you or anything. I hate these kind of family events. I could really use someone to talk to other than douchebag rich guys and my sister's annoying friends."

"I think you'd fit right in with the douchebag rich guys." Chanhee joked.

"Well I think you'd fit right in with my sister's annoying friends." Younghoon replied.

"And why's that?" Chanhee asked with a frown.

"They may be annoying, but they're all pretty like you."



that was pretty gay

"Okay." (Bbangnyu) ☑️Where stories live. Discover now