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"What's up Changmin? You're really quiet today." Younghoon asked. Changmin had been acting very strange recently.

Changmin looked up at him. He had been staring at the ground, because he couldn't bring himself to look Younghoon in the eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Younghoon persisted.

Chanhee had a late class today, so both Younghoon and Changmin were chilling in Younghoon's apartment alone. Changmin knew that this was his chance to show Younghoon Bona's video, but an uneasy feeling of guilt was making it very hard to do.

"I... need to show you something."

"What is it?"

Changmin hesitated. This was the right thing to do wasn't it? The video showed Chanhee with some other guy, so Younghoon deserved to know about it, didn't he?

"Well... I got added to this anonymous groupchat and, um, someone sent this video... I just think you should see it."

Changmin took out his phone and played the video.

It showed Chanhee, standing in front of another person (Juyeon), but the other guy's face wasn't in view. As the video continued, Chanhee began to strip in front of him. Once the video got to the point where Chanhee was in his underwear, Younghoon pushed the phone away.

"Stop. I don't want to see any more."

Younghoon was distraught.

"Who was the other person? Why was Chanhee-? No. No. I- Who sent it?"

"I don't know, they didn't display their name." Changmin replied.

"But... B-But Chanhee told me that he'd never... Why would he lie to me?"

Changmin searched his brain for an explanation.

"Younghoon, I think he might be seeing someone else. It would explain why he would lie to you... Why else wouldn't he be honest?"

Younghoon put his head in his hands. He finally really, really liked someone, and it was all falling apart.

"Why? Why me? This isn't fair."

Changmin put his arm around him.

"Hey, it'll all be okay. Maybe just stay away from him for a while, see if he gets the message. He doesn't deserve you if this is how he treats you."

Younghoon sighed.


"Let's not hang around with him anymore, okay?"


And so they didn't. As hard as it was for him to do, Younghoon completely ignored Chanhee. When they bumped into each other on campus, Younghoon pretended that he didn't see him. Even when Chanhee called out to him, he pretended not to hear. When Chanhee came to join him and Changmin at their usual table in the library, Younghoon and Changmin would get up and leave, all without saying a word.

It was approximately the 6th time that day where Chanhee had noticed that upon him entering the vicinity Younghoom would almost immediately book it. He had also noticed that Younghoon stopped answering all of his calls and texts, and his usual caring nature had completely disappeared.

At first Chanhee had thought maybe Younghoon had just been out of it, sick maybe. But watching him act completely normal around everyone else set off an alarm that there was something fishy going on.

After Chanhee finally realized it was him that was making Younghoon feel off, he began to count every time it happened. He had hoped making it into some sort of game would help, but it only made the growing pain in his chest worse. This made Chanhee angry. He wanted more than anything to be able to brush this off and say "fuck you, I don’t need anyone but myself" but it was impossible.

Chanhee never had issues like this regarding other people. Most people stayed away from him or in some cases avoid him at all costs. This was something he was used to. Something that never bothered him before. So why did Younghoon’s sudden avoidance make Chanhee want to cry? Whatever the reason, it only made Chanhee more and more angry as time passed. He really liked Younghoon, and he was finally happy for the first time in a long time, but it had all stopped out of nowhere.

Chanhee had entered the empty library late one evening, just wanting to see if there was anything interesting to read that wasn’t class textbooks, and there Younghoon was.

He was on his phone, leaning against a bookshelf with a cup of coffee in his hand. When Younghoon noticed Chanhee his eyes widened for a second and he attempted the usual escape, but Chanhee grabbed his shirt sleeve before he could get away. He wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"Younghoon! Stop this! Please!" Chanhee pleaded.

Younghoon stopped in his tracks.

"Why are you avoiding me? What did I do?"

Of course Younghoon tried to play dumb. So when he answered Chanhee’s question with a “What do you mean?” it was obvious he was lying.

“Wha- What do I mean? Are you kidding me? Y-You’ve been avoiding me for days and you’re honestly one of the least subtle people I know. So I think you know what I mean. If you and Changmin don’t w-wanna hang around me or whatever it’s fine,” that was a lie. It was very much not fine, but Chanhee couldn’t go down that road right now, ”Just t-tell me if you don't really like me, I don't know what to do anymore, don't be like this and avoid me f-forever.”

Chanhee’s eyes were watery and filled with anger and other emotions that Younghoon couldn't quite place. He wouldn't let Younghoon break eye contact with him and it was obvious he wasn't going to just give up on this. He wanted answers and he was determined to go as far as necessary to get them. Younghoon hated confrontation.

"You think I'm doing this for fun? I'm not the bad guy here, you are. You wanna know why I've been avoiding you? You're a liar. I've seen the video of you and that guy. What happened to 'oh I've never done this before Younghoon~'? I know I'm not the only one, you've been lying to me. I genuinely liked you, and you threw that in my face. So just leave me alone."

Chanhee was shocked. Video...? Oh. Oh no. Bona and Juyeon. Chanhee felt himself beginning to panic. He rushed out of the library and to the nearest bathroom, where he shut himself in a stall.

His tears were flowing freely now. He was shaking. It felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn’t take it…the tight feeling in his chest just kept getting worse. Chanhee took a couple of deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. He rubbed at his chest, hoping that somehow it would help the crushing feeling go away.


oof,,, sorry sad ending but im tired and im trying to make chapters ~1k words so they're not so long and hard to read in one go.

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