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Younghoon and Chanhee arrived at the airport together at around 10am the next day, Chanhee wearing his girl clothes and the wig. They were greeted by some airport staff who took their luggage for them and showed them to the VIP lounge where Younghoon's mother, grandmother and his sister Jangmi were waiting for them.

"Ah, how lovely to see you both!" Mrs. Kim cried. "Chanhee, you look lovely today."

Chanhee thanked her shyly.

"Isn't dad here?" Younghoon asked his mom.

She sighed.

"No, he has business to attend to, but he'll be there for the main celebrations tomorrow."

"Or he says he will." Jangmi added slyly. She smirked at Chanhee. "Come sit next to me Chanhee." she said, patting the seat next to her. "I've been needing another girl to talk to besides these two old-timers." She side-eyed her mom and grandmother.

"Old-timer?! I'll have you know I'm only 41 years old, that's not even middle-aged!"

"Yeah yeah ok boomer." She chuckled.

Chanhee joined Jangmi on the seat next to her, leaving Younghoon to sit between the two older women.

"You know Younghoon, this trip would be a prime opportunity for you to finally pop the question-"

"Mom~ stooop." Younghoon whined.

She waved her hands in front of her.

"I'm just saying."

"Let them live while they're young dear." Younghoon's grandmother butted in. "Kids their age don't worry about those things nowadays."

"I know, but I would love a grandchild."

"And you want me to be a great-grandmother already? No thank you, I feel old enough as it is."

"So." Jangmi whispered to Chanhee, "What's so great about my brother anyway? You're pretty, you could like go for some famous actor or something, why him? Unless you're just in it for the money."

"What? N-No.. I just think he's a really kind person, and we get along well together. A-And he's good-looking too.. so..."

"Yeah, okay but you're way out of his league in my opinion. I wish I looked like you, I could get anyone I wanted. You're like, perfect."

"Noo I'm not. You're beautiful. And I don't think I'm out of Younghoon's league either. He's perfect. To me at least."

There was a temporary silence.

"I don't know whether to find it cute that you like him so much or be disgusted because it's my brother."

Chanhee laughed.

An airport staff member came to tell everyone that their plane was ready for boarding and they all made their way towards the gate.

Chanhee was excited to see what the plane would be like, because he'd never even been on one before, let alone in First Class.

The First Class area was fairly empty apart from a few businessmen and women.

Chanhee sat next to a window, with Younghoon beside him. The window was smaller than he had thought it would be. It was also scratched and he had to crane his neck to look all the way out of it.

The chair was quite comfortable, but the armrests were shared and Younghoon had taken the left one. A small TV was attached to the back of the seat in front of him and he wanted to turn it off.

He couldn’t lay his elbow on his other armrest as there were buttons where the most comfortable place would be, undoubtedly belonging to the annoying TV thing. His phone was shoved in his pocket, in airplane mode already due to extreme anxieties.

It felt like an hour before the intercom let out a shrill ring, and the air hostess began explaining rules and what to do in case of an accident, which Chanhee hyper-focused on. Younghoon had already closed his eyes, tapping the stolen armrest impatiently.

"You don’t really need to listen, this is the time that I usually listen to music or something." Younghoon said, giving Chanhee a reassuring smile.

Chanhee nodded, even though he didn’t have any music on his cheap phone, nor did he think to bring anything he could actually listen to.

People were chatting behind and in front of the two, and an air vent was blowing freezing wind directly down at Chanhee at the speed of light itself.

The plane was moving slow, not anywhere close to the fast take-off he had been told about. He could hear the engines whirring. Sunlight streamed through the scratched window. It smelled like week-old hand sanitizer.

Chanhee wanted to get off, he wanted to home. His anxiety had begun to settle in.

Then the whir of the engine turned more into a roar, and Chanhee was forced against the back of the cloth of his chair as the plane moved faster, the wheels leaving the worn asphalt.

He felt like his stomach was crawling up his throat, and his neck felt stiff, like he needed to crack it.

But out the window, he could see the streets thinning out and trees becoming earthy green blurs. Clouds passed by, close enough that he thought he could touch one if the window was gone. His hand grabbed Younghoon’s sleeve, lightly tugging as to get his attention. Chanhee’s bright eyes were wide, his mouth opened slightly.

He could hear Younghoon laugh a little, leaning over to get a look as well.

"It’s really pretty, isn’t it?" He asked, while Chanhee could only nod. The horizon was so far, blurred by fog and clouds.

He sat back in his chair, closing his mouth. Younghoon had sat back as well, headphones in his ears and his cheek on his hand. He seemed to already be asleep, elbow sliding along the armrest until his head was on Chanhee’s shoulder.

Chanhee refused to move or wake him, instead accidentally falling asleep himself, only waking when they were about to land, finding Younghoon staring down at him.

"What?" Chanhee said.

"Nothing." Younghoon replied, smiling.



anyways yeah sorry it took so long to update ;-;

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