Chapter 3. Broken

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(this will be the same time as Kaminari and Akasuki bonding)

Shinso pov

"Wait, what?" I say, looking at him curiously.

All Might turns into his weak form as he makes sure no one else is around.

"Do you remember my old pal David Shield?" All might says as I nod

"I had the disease back when I used to hang out in America with him. It was before he go married and had Melissa. I was madly in love with him." All Might says with no real emotion.

"But then Dave announced he was getting married. By then I only had four weeks to live left before the disease would have killed me. So I reluctantly got the surgery, after all people needed me. Considering I was the number 1 hero at the time. Anyway....... Now I don't really feel anything for him anymore. Besides the fact that he's my friend and that I'm like an uncle to his daughter. But then I met night eye. He changed me and I loved again. Somehow" All Might says, looking me in the eyes.

"Ah I see....." I say sadly, looking down at the floor.

"Young Shinso, as your godfather I wanted to give you some advice." All Might says walking over to the desk I'm in, crouching down so he can see my hidden face.

"Confess to them before it's too late. You don't want to regret getting the surgery, wondering what would happen if you hadn't everyday. I know your fathers wouldn't agree but you don't want to regret making that choice. Unless your absolutely sure you can't tell them. If there's even a hope that you can confess, take the chance young Shinso. You don't want you to lose the love of your life. Things that used to make your heart skip a beat just make you feel nothing. It saves your life but you feel so empty." All Might finishes, as I look over at him, sobbing.

"It h-hu hurts......" I whisper as I feel petals threaten to come up the back of my throat choking me as thorns scratch my throat.

"Shinso my boy, who has gotten you this worked up and in love?" All Might asks as I Shatter, feeling a sharp pain in my chest as I cry out.

"It's- den denki- ka kami- kaminari....." I say as a few yellow petals fall out on the desk.

"Ah......." All Might says, nodding at me to continue as he gets the trash can to clean up the petals.

"I just love him so much. I don't think I could ever get the surgery. I couldn't imagine life without him. I knew I loved him for about a year and a half before I got the disease. I've lived Eleven and a half months with the disease. I've never been to a doctor to see how bad it was. People just started finding out this month. Like Akasuki, my dads, Eri, You, and Izuku. The only person I told was Akasuki and that's only because she caught me on vacation. It's just- ugh- it's so hard to deal with." I say breaking down, as a few petals fly out of my mouth.

"How does he make you feel?" All might says, trying to understand.

"It's really undescribable. He makes me feel like I'm the only one in the world. When we're together even if it's just a simple hello, it feels so special. I could never imagine my life without the cute good morning text he sends everyday. I can hear my heartbeat like a jackhammer when he gives me hugs. When he talks to me or says my name, my heart flutters." I say, pausing for a second.

"Back when Eri was younger, me and him had a sleep over and I fell asleep on him and woke up to the most adorable sight. I want to see that sight everyday when I wake up. I want him to be next to me as my best friend, companion, and love forever. That sounds so unrealistic when I say it out loud, probably because it is." I say taking a breath.

"I've loved him since we met but I just recently realized it was love. The internship with best jeanist when dad was in the hospital so he couldn't be my mentor, actually helped me a lot. Best jeanist and Bakugou surprisingly helped a lot more that I thought. Plus being away from him for a whole week was torture and when I finally got back, seeing him for the first time in a week made my heart do backflips. I never want to lose or risk these feelings or him. He just makes me feel so special and like the luckiest guy in the world just because I can be around him. Oh god, if he ever found any of this out I would be completely mortified....... " I say trailing off from the question.

"That's exactly how I used to feel with Dave. He was my world, and without him I never thought I'd be able to survive. Then I felt like that again with night eye. Your fathers were the same way with eachother as well, even though they never had the disease. Hearing you speak about young Kaminari, you must really care for him." All might says as I nod, still crying a little.

"I don't think I want to get the surgery........" I say sadly

"Young Shinso the choice is yours. But your fathers are going to be a lot more reluctant than me, especially Aizawa.  So I suggest you be ready before you head home. Make sure you tell them exactly what you told me." all might says as I wipe my eyes sadly.

"Oh my god, they don't even know who it is yet. Ugh it's just- s so scary to admit it out loud." I say as all might looks at me sadness showing in his eyes.

"You do love him though, correct?" All Might asks.

"More than anything" I say as a petal flies out of my mouth.

"Then don't be afraid to shout it from the roof tops" All Might says changing into his strong form then smiling and changing back.

"Come with me" All Might says pulling me out of the room and towards the training gym.

"What are we doing here" I say as we get to the training gym.

"Getting your confidence back, do you trust me?" All might says, grinning at me.

"Yeah I trust you..." I say nervously.

"I want you to make it known to the world that you love him" All might says pushing me to the middle of the room.

I clear my throat and anxiously look around as all Might gives me a smile and a thumbs up.

"I love Denki Kaminari!" I yell loudly as All Might smiles and I walk back over to him.

"Good job young Shinso, now let's head back" All might says as we walk down the hall and back to the classroom.

I hear a familiar voice and footsteps as someone drapes their arms around my neck.

It all started with the pain (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now