Chapter 8. Fights

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Shinso pov

I had just caught Eri and was about to tickle her when I start coughing, falling onto my knees.

"Shinso!" I hear Denki yell as I start choking and coughing up an entire yellow rose in the living room.

I will hate roses until I die....

"Denki calm down, I'm fine" I say holding onto his arm, standing back up.


"You scared me" Denki says wrapping me in a tight hug, alsost crushing me.

"Everyone okay in here?" Mic asks as him and Aizawa enter the room causing Denki to let go of me.

"I'm fine, Eri are you okay?" I say looking at Eri who is standing by the couch smiling.

"You lovvvveee him" Eri teases causing me to start chasing her again.

"You little rascal" I say running after her and catching her.

"Okay okay, I give I give" Eri cries laughing as I tickle her.

"That's what I thought" I say getting up and walking back to where everyone else is.

"Sorry about her Denki, she's delusional" I say as Denki looks down.

"Yeah, delusional......" Denki says laughing as he rubs the back of his neck

"You two better go get ready, school starts in an hour. No skipping, even if it is a half day. "I'll clean this, up"" Aizawa says as I laugh when he points to the flower then at me.

Am I really that much of a mess? Probably. Do I care? No. Why should I,  I'm gonna die anyway.

"Yeah you're right" I say grabbing Denki's hand and pulling him up the stairs.

"Why didn't you just change up here then bring the uniform down with you eariler" Denki asks as I look down, embarrassed.

"I didn't want to leave you with my family that long" I say as he grins.

That's half of the truth I guess....

"They're not that bad" Denki says as I laugh.

"They're like that every morning" I say as he shrugs.

"It must be nice having a big family, it's just me and my dad at home. Since my mom left....." Denki says sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry" I say as he looks up at me smiling.

"Don't be, my father is very supportive and I love him lots. Plus my mother was- well let's just say, not the best person" Denki says smiling.

"I love my family too, even if they pick on me endlessly" I say smiling.

"It's too bad I'll have to leave them soon" I say not thinking how bad it sounds.

Fuck, I didn't mean to say that. We're supposed to be happy.

"Erm I mean-" I say trying to fix my mistake but Denki grabs me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" Denki says as I feel something cold hit my shoulder, tears.

"I'm so sorry Denki, I wish there was another way" I say as we break apart.

"It's fine, I ugh- sorry I'm being selfish" Denki says wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

"No your not" I say grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"Your allowed to cry, It's okay to have feelings" I say as he crys a little more.

"Promise me you won't stop living" I say as he tenses up.

"I don't know if I can......" Denki says letting go of my hand.

"Then at least promise me we'll enjoy what little time I have left with you and everyone else" I say as he nods.

"Okay enough of this, I'm not dead yet right? So let's get ready and go to school, and be happy" I say smiling as he smiles weakly.

"Okay......" Denki says as I hand him the uniform.

"You can change in the bathroom or in here-" I say as I turn to see Denki already shirtless.

Kaminari pov

"Sorry I just assumed-" I say looking down.

"Oh no, it's fine. We're all dudes here right?" Shinso says as I laugh.

"Yep" I say nodding as Shinso starts changing, pulling his shirt off.

Oh no he's hot. I forgot he bulked up since the sports festival. Intense gay panic. I thought I was the strong one. He's so light you would never guess. Fuck I'm staring too long.

"You okay?" Shinso says waving his hand in front of my face.

"I'm fine I just forgot you were jacked" I say looking down, embarrassed.

"Yeah your not the only strong one" Shinso says laughing.

"Oh I didn't think you thought about me that way" I say causing him to hide his face.

"Maybe Eri was right......." I mumble quietly realizing how impossible that would be.

"What was that Denki?" Shinso says changing his pants.

I love the view

"What um nothing nevermind" I say turning away from him.

"Are you going to the doctor at all to see how long you have?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Maybe but then they'll try to get me to take the meds or surgery. That's something I would never do." Shinso says slipping a shirt on.

I wish you would trust me enough to tell me who it is.

"Meds?" I ask confused.

"They can give you medicine that keeps the disease from spreading but it supresses your love for the person" Shinso explains nodding.

"And you don't want to suppress your feelings? So you'd rather die?" I ask, hurt seeping into my tone.

"I would rather die, yes" Shinso says as we both finish changing.

"Why not tell them how you feel then?" I ask walking closer to him.

"They'd never feel the same" Shinso says avoiding eye contact with me.

"Are you willing to risk your life on that?!?!" I say half yelling, turning his face towards me.

I look into Shinso's eyes seeing fear and pain mixed in them.

"Look I'm really sorry Shinso. I'm just- just worried about you. Your family can't lose you, I- I can't lose you. Not like this." I say sadly.

"I'm sorry but like I told my fathers, it's not your choice to make" Shinso says walking out of his room with me following down the stairs.

"Dammit Shinso can't you see?" I ask praying he understands as we stop in the kitchen.

"See what Denki, that the only person I've ever loved will never love me. That I'll be destined to be alone forever. That I knew he wouldn't like me ever but still devolved feelings for him. Or that I only realized I was in love when it was too late." Shinso says causing my blood to boil.

"God dammit Shinso even if he doesn't care about you we all still do! I fucking do!" I yell causing Aizawa and Mic to walk into the room.

"Denki-" Shinso says but I stop him.

"Whatever lets just go" I say as I run out the door.

It all started with the pain (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now